

单词 weekly
释义 I. weekly, a. and n.|ˈwiːklɪ|
[f. week n. + -ly1.]
A. adj.
1. Of or pertaining to the week (either as a seven-days period or as opposed to Sunday). Obs.
1563Homilies, Of Place & Time of Prayer i. II. 138 That vpon the Sabboth day..they shoulde ceasse from all weekely and workeday labour.1612Drayton Poly-olb. xi. 178 Hengists noble heyres; their Idols that to raise Heere put their German names vpon our weekly daies.
2. a. That occurs, is done, made, given, etc. once a week.
weekly bill: see bill n.3 10. weekly boat: a coaster on which the crew is paid by the week. Cf. monthly boat s.v. monthly a. 4. weekly tenancy: one determinable at the end of any week.
1489Reg. Mag. Sig. Scot. 1528, 120/1 In the delivering of thir oulkly penny to God and to Sanct Jhonne.1525Reg. Mag. Sig. Scot. 1527, 97 The forsaid wolklie penny and halpeny salbe payit ilk Setterday.1576–77Reg. Privy Council Scot. II. 582 His releif of the said owlklie wageis as accordis.1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. xix. §1 The Iewes haue alwaies had their weekely readings of the law of Moses.1621(title) Corante: or weekely newes from Italy, Germany, [etc.].1681in Nairne Peerage Evid. (1874) 16 With a weekly markett and two free faires yearly.1699G. Harvey Van. Philos. & Physick vi. 46 The daily, weekly, or frequent use of Opiates.1711Steele Spect. No. 79 ⁋9 The Indiscretion of the Books themselves, whose very Titles of Weekly Preparations..lead People of ordinary Capacities into great Errors.1712Addison Spect. No. 289 ⁋2 The Use I make of the above-mentioned Weekly Paper.1732Pope Ep. Bathurst 264 The Man of Ross divides the weekly bread.a1806Horsley Serm. (1812) II. xxiii. 227 A public weekly assertion of the two first articles in our Creed.1842Dickens Amer. Notes iv, The weekly charge in this establishment for each female patient is three dollars.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. iii. 390 In this way he gathered materials for weekly epistles destined to enlighten some county town.1899S. R. Gardiner O. Cromwell vi. 192 He found repose in a weekly visit to Hampton Court.1920Act 10 & 11 Geo. V c. 30 §2 Entitled..to receive payments..at weekly or other prescribed intervals.1927F. H. Shaw Knocking Around 4 She was a weekly boat, where the crew provided their own food.1946J. Batten Dirty Little Collier 12 These weekly boat men are quite used to slipping home for a few hours.
b. With a personal designation: Performing some action, or employed in some capacity, once a week; that has a contract by the week.
weekly boarder: a school pupil who boards at the school during the week and returns home at week-ends. weekly man Austral., an extra hand taken on for one or more weeks. weekly tenant, ‘one paying rent by the week, and liable to removal on a week's notice’ (Simmonds Dict. Trade, 1858).
1712Prior Extempore Invit. 1 Our Weekly Friends Tomorrow meet At Matthew's Palace.1737Pope Hor. Ep. i. i. 155 They change their weekly Barber.1841Dickens Let. 6 Mar. (1969) II. 225, I will send [him] as a weekly boarder to the best school I can find in the place... I say weekly boarder, because I should wish the boy..to be at home from Saturday night to Monday Morning.1890‘R. Boldrewood’ Col. Reformer xx, Filling up the station with a lot of weekly men.1973J. Mann Only Security i. 9 It had a school where Clovis might be a weekly boarder.
c. slang. weekly-accompts pl., a name given to the small square white patches on each side of a midshipman's collar.
1819Vaux Mem. I. 69 The midshipmen proceeded to cut off the weekly accompts from the coat I had on.
B. n. A newspaper or review published once in each week.
1833[see monthly n. 2].1845Dickens Let. 26 July (1977) IV. 337 A notion..has occurred to me in connection with our abandoned little weekly.1846C. Mitchell Newsp. Press Directory 81 Not any of the newspapers published at the close of the week display more activity or success than this [the Observer] in the acquisition of news, which, after the preceding six days, has been swept and exhausted by the immense resources of the dailys; and this is the great difficulty in a weekly.1858Times 29 Nov. 6/3 Clever weeklies and less clever dailies.1863Morn. Star 3 Jan., To-day a new literary Weekly of high pretensions begins its existence.1914in Civil Service Year Bk. (1916) 294 They take 6 penny daily papers and 3 halfpenny ones; 3 weeklies costing 3d. each and 5 weeklies costing 6d. each.
II. weekly, adv.|ˈwiːklɪ|
[f. week n. + -ly2.]
In each or every week, week by week. Usually, once in seven days.
1465in Paston Lett. II. 193 He payth for hys borde wykely xxd.1474Burgh Rec. Edin. (1869) I. 29 It is statut..that the said penny be rasit wolkly on the Monundaye.1522Galway Arch. in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. v. 400 No man shalbe made fre unlesse he can specke the Englishe tonge and shave his upper lipe wicklye.1540Sc. Acts Jas. V (1814) II. 378/1 That þair be wokly thre market dais for selling of breid within the said toune.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 182 The Legates sat wekely, & euery daie were argumentes on bothe partes and nothyng els doen.1604E. G[rimstone] D'Acosta's Hist. Indies v. xxx. 427 There was one Priest alone resident continually, the which they changed weekely.1670in 12th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. v. 15 Our daughter..tells me she gives your Ladyship weekely an account of her selfe.a1700Evelyn Diary 7 Sept. 1665, There perishing neere 10,000 poore creatures weekly.1726Ayliffe Parergon 140 As these Persons are oblig'd to perform the Communion Service..in their turns Weekly, they are sometimes called Hebdomadal Canons.1842Borrow Bible in Spain xxxvi, An acute Gallegan..who gave me weekly a faithful account of the copies sold.1905R. Bagot Passport xv. 142 You had arranged for her [a governess] to come here two or three days weekly.




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