

单词 regency
释义 regency|ˈriːdʒənsɪ|
[ad. med.L. regentia (1418 in Du Cange), or f. regent: see -ency. Cf. F. régence.]
1. The position or office of ruler; exercise of rule or authority; government, dominion, control.
a. on the part of persons. Now rare or Obs.
c1485Digby Myst. (1882) iii. 212 Heyll, reytyus rewlar in þi regensy!1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. li. §3 The scepter of Christs regencie euen in the kingdom of heauen.1601Holland Pliny I. 128 She..had the prerogatiue of the regencie ouer the greatest kingdome.1651N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. ii. xxxiv. (1739) 157 Custom in Government..made her Regency at last taste somewhat stale and spiritless.1711Fingall MSS. in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. V. 114 Mankind might wish to be under the regency of such a monarch.1760–72H. Brooke Fool of Qual. (1809) III. 116, I had made a vow..to forsake her and the country the very day after her regency [as Queen of the May].
b. transf. or fig. of things.
1635Valentine Foure Sea-Serm. 24 This Planet hath a regencie, and dominion over moist bodies.1681J. Flavel Meth. Grace xxvii. 457 The deposing of corruption from its regency and dominion in the soul.1840Fraser's Mag. XXII. 457 His passions,..spurning the regency of judgment, exercised..undivided sway.a1890A. Phelps My Note-Book (1891) vii. 169 Conscience claims regency in everything that a man should aim to do or to be.
2. a. The office and jurisdiction of a regent or vicegerent; government by a regent or by a body exercising similar authority.
1429–30Rolls of Parlt. V. 416/1 It was advised and thoght, that as toward the Regencie of France occupied theire by my Lorde of Bedford, that anoon..that name and Office shuld cesse.c1470Harding Chron. cxxxvii. iii, For constable then was he Of Englande hole to haue the regency.c1600Drayton Miseries Q. Margaret xxvi, York then, which had the regency in France, They force the King ignobly to displace.1660R. Coke Power & Subj. 101 How came..Mary de Midici wife of Henry the Fourth..to manage the Regencie of France..?1727–38Chambers Cycl. s.v. Regent, Some have urged that women being incapable of succeeding to that crown, were incapable of the regency; but custom has declared in their favour.1791Burke Corr. (1844) III. 255 The rebels say they will declare a regency if the king refuses to accept.1828Scott F.M. Perth xxxv, He transferred the regency which he had so foully acquired, to his son Murdoch.1878Stubbs Const. Hist. (1896) III. xviii. 169 The king's illness placed the queen and the duke of York in direct rivalry for the regency.
b. personified. = regent n. 2.
1814Byron Diary 18 Feb., The avowal and republication of two stanzas on Princess Charlotte's weeping at Regency's speech to Lauderdale in 1812.
a. The governing body of certain (chiefly European) towns and Muslim states. Obs.
1706Lond. Gaz. No. 4239/1 Deputies from the neighbouring Regencies [in Germany].1748Anson's Voy. iii. ix. 389 When these prisoners got to Canton, the Regency sent for them.1769Lloyd's Even. Post 22–5 Sept. 295/1 The Regency of Venice have sent orders that no more bodies shall be dug out of the ground.1796Washington Lett. Writ. 1892 XIII. 240 The purport of your private letter..(that part of it I mean which relates to the Frigate for the Regency of Algiers) has surprised me exceedingly.
b. A body of men appointed to carry on the government during the absence, minority, or incapacity of the sovereign or hereditary ruler; a Government so constituted. Also in transf. or extended senses: a group that manages or administers in the absence of a manager or political leader; an inside group or clique controlling affairs.
1721Bailey, Regency, the Government or Governours of a Kingdom during the Minority or absence of a Prince.1750H. Walpole Lett. to Mann (1834) II. 321 We expect some chagrin on the new Regency at the head of which is to be the Duke.1788in Dk. Buckingham Court & Cabinets Geo. III (1859) II. 18 The Opposition..are exceedingly embarrassed, even supposing the Regent, or Regency, to venture on the change of Ministry.1845S. Austin Ranke's Hist. Ref. II. 45 It made no difference whether the States supported the Regency or not.1852Hawthorne Stories fr. Hist. & Biog. ix. 72 A number of..statesmen, who were called a regency.1940Sun (Baltimore) 13 Aug. 15/5 Secretary Knox named a three-man ‘regency’ to publish and edit the News while he holds his Cabinet post.1956New Republic 9 Jan. 2/3 There's some evidence the Administration ‘Regency’ is using Ike's absence to even old scores.1963Daily Tel. 12 Jan. 15/3 Leading members of the Parliamentary Labour party have been angered by a suggestion..that a ‘Regency’ has been set up to rule in the absence of Mr. Gaitskell.
c. A council or meeting of the members of a regency. Obs.—1
1748H. Walpole Lett. (1846) II. 242 There was a great Regency kept in town.
d. Albany regency, a group of politicians who controlled the Democratic party in the state of New York from c 1820 to 1850.
1888A. Johnston in Winsor Hist. Amer. VII. v. 283 The methods of the ‘Albany Regency’, whose members..made it their rule never to desert a party friend or forgive disobedience or breach of party discipline.
4. A district under the control of a regent or regency (3 a).
1667Milton P.L. v. 748 Regions they pass'd, the mightie Regencies of Seraphim and Potentates and Thrones.1780Ann. Reg. 5 The territory appertaining to the regency of Burghausen.1817Raffles Hist. Java iii. I. 142 The rice fields of a regency are divided among the whole of the population.1838Sparks' Biogr. IX. Eaton vii. 245 The Bashaw gave permission to the American agent to leave the Regency.
5. The period during which a regent governs; spec. the periods in French and English history during which Philip, Duke of Orleans (1715–23), and George, Prince of Wales (the Prince Regent, 1810–20), acted as regents.
1727Boyer Dict. Royal I. s.v. Reistre, The German Horse that came into France during the Regency of Queen Catherine of Medicis.1841Penny Cycl. XIX. 358/2 It was during the English regency that the power of Napoleon was broken, and peace was restored to Europe.1869Lecky Europ. Mor. II. v. 326 The moral tone..was..lower, probably, than in France under the Regency, or in England under the Restoration.
6. a. The office or function of a university regent.
1639in Spalding Troub. Chas. I (1850) I. 233 note, In regaird of the vacancie of the place of regencie of the thrid classe.a1670Spalding Ibid. (1851) II. 74 Mr. Alexr Scrogie..deposit fra his regency..had gottin sum pensioun fra the King.1691Wood Ath. Oxon. I. 548 In 1446, he being then in his Regency, he became one of the Commissaries of the University.1771Gentl. Mag. XLI. 19 Every fellow is obliged to leave that College after he has completed eighteen years from his Regency in Arts.1841Peacock Stat. Cambr. 11 Every master of arts..was sworn to continue his regency for five years.1895Rashdall Univ. Mid. Ages xii. II. 475 The privilege of studying Theology after Regency in Arts.
b. (See quot.) rare—1. [After F. régence.]
1839Hallam Hist. Lit. iv. i. §5 The Jesuits write and speak Latin well..owing to their keeping regencies (an usual phrase for academical exercises) from their early youth.
7. attrib. and Comb., as regency act, regency bill, regency cap, regency post; regency point, a kind of lace (see quots.); also attrib.
1705–6Luttrell Brief Rel. (1875) VI. 5 The committee, to whom the regency bill is committed.1743H. Walpole Let. 14 Apr., The Earl of Bath and Mr. Pelham, neither of them in regency-posts, are to be of the number.1865F. B. Palliser Hist. Lace xxx. 364 A ‘point’ lace, with the ‘cloth’ or ‘toilé’ on the edge, for many years was in fashion, and in compliment to the Prince, was named..‘Regency Point’. It was a durable and handsome lace.1867C. Grey Early Years Prince Consort 351 The Regency Bill..will to-day be read for a third time in the House of Lords.1900E. Jackson Hist. Hand-Made Lace 193 Regency Point Lace. This lace, made in Bedfordshire, was in great demand during the Regency early in the nineteenth century. The edge is thick, the ground, a complicated réseau, or hand⁓made mesh.1930T. Wright Romance of Lace Pillow xv. 219 During the Regency (1810–1820) there was made in Northamptonshire a striking lace, with fillings of a bold character, which was called Regency Point.
b. Passing into adj. Applied to styles of architecture, clothing, furniture, etc., characteristic of the English Regency (sense 5), and, more generally, the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century.
The isolated early use in quot. c 1793 may possibly reflect the public controversy surrounding the Regency Bill of 1788.
c1793Jane Austen Volume Third in Minor Works (1954) 211 ‘She sends me a long account of the new Regency walking dress Lady Susan has given her... She says nothing indeed except about the Regency.’ ‘She must write well thought Kitty, to make a long letter upon a Bonnet & Pelisse.’1880E. Glaister Needlework viii. 86 Shield-backed chairs of the Regency fashion.1887Lecky Eng. in 18th C. V. 145 Whig ladies appeared in society with caps that were known as ‘regency caps’ and with ribands indicating their politics.1909Cent. Dict. Suppl., Regency style.1918A. Bennett Pretty Lady vi. 25 He had furnished his flat in the Regency style of the first decade of the nineteenth century.Ibid. vii. 33 Regency furniture and china.1936Discovery Oct. 321/2 The short ‘Brutus’ curls of regency mock-classical beauties.1938C. Day Lewis Overtures to Death 18 We gaze At a Regency terrace, curved Like the ritual smile.1954J. Betjeman Few Late Chrysanthemums 43, I pulled aside the thick magenta curtains—So Regency, so Regency, my dear—.1958Coll. Poems 250 It's for Regency now I'm enthusing So we've Regency stripes on the wall.1963N. Freeling Because of Cats iii. 47 There were Regency-striped silk cushions.1973P. Moyes Curious Affair of Third Dog v. 57 The Regency-stripe wall-paper.1976Denbighshire Free Press 8 Dec. 16/7 (Advt.), Curtains... Regency stripe/gold, 2 width each side, length 53 in. {pstlg}20.1977C. McCullough Thorn Birds iii. 64 The Louis Quinze sofa and chairs, the Regency escritoire.1977S. Wales Echo 18 Jan. (Advt.), Only four remaining on a small development of just 10 Regency style Detached Houses.




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