

单词 uncredited
释义 unˈcredited, ppl. a.
(un-1 8 and 5 b.)
1586Warner Alb. Eng. ii. ix. (1592) 36 It cannot weepe, nor wring the handes, but say that she did so: And saieth so vncredited.1607Chapman Rev. Bussy D'Ambois Plays 1873 II. 140 God (said she) Would haue me vtter things vn⁓credited.1670Clarendon Contempl. Ps. Tracts (1727) 532 Who..does render..their virulent suggestions against our reputations ineffectual and uncredited.1777Ann. Reg., Antiq. 134/2 This opinion remained..uncredited by all skilful medallists.1828Lights & Shades II. 133 Being at the same time..unmannered, uncredited, unwitted.1959Times 17 Aug. 12/6 This version (adapter uncredited) concentrated on the two main conflicts in the book.1977Rolling Stone 30 June 102/3 The uncredited musicians play sparely but with enough fire to make their presence, and this entire album, memorable.




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