

单词 gomen
释义 I. gome1 Obs.
Forms: 1 guma, 3–4 gum(e, 3–5 gom, (5 gomme, goom, Sc. goym), 3–6 gome.
[Com. Teut.; OE. guma = OS. gumo, OHG. gumo, gomo (MHG. gome), ON. gume (poet.), Goth. guma:—pre-Teut. *ghəmon- cognate with L. homō, homin-is. In poetic use from OE. times to 16th c., also in bridegome now bridegroom, q.v.]
A man.
Beowulf (Z.) 652 Grette þa guma oþerne.c1205Lay. 17295 He hæhte Gillomaurus, gomenen he wes lauerd.a1225Juliana 26 Te luuien godd alre gume lauerd.a1300K. Horn 22 Twelf feren he hadde..And alle hi were faire gomes.c1380Sir Ferumb. 402 ‘Christene knyȝt’, quaþ Fyrumbras; ‘þou art a wonder gome’.c1400Destr. Troy 10149 Philmen..Gird to Agamynon, & the gome hit.c1450Holland Howlat 540 Mony galiard gome was on the ground levit.1515Scot. Field 108 The King was glade of that golde, that the gome brought.
b. applied to God.
c1320Cast. Love 1512 To whom joye and honour bi-come Wiþ-outen ende, þe holy Gome.
2. Comb., as gome-graith, armour.
c1420Anturs of Arth. xxxiv, We ar in our gamene, we haue no gome [v.r. gude] graiþe.
II. gome2 Obs. exc. dial.
Also 3 gom, 9 gawm.
[a. ON. gaum-r masc., gaum fem. (OSw. göm) care, heed, etc. = OS. gôma (MDu. gome, goom), OHG. gouma, etc. (MHG. goume, goum), Goth. *gauma (whence gaumjan to take notice of, see yeme v.). Ulterior etymology uncertain.]
a. Heed, attention, notice, care; esp. in phrase to nimen (or take) gome = to give heed.
b. (See quot. 1877, and cf. gaum-like a., gormless a.)
c1200Ormin 5086 Nu birrþ þe nimenn mikell gom Off þiss þatt I þe shæwe.c1290S.E. Leg. I. 209/308 Of tormens þat he þare isaiȝ, gret gome with-alle he nam.Ibid. 443/440 Þar-of he tok luyte gome.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 9320 Nimeþ..gome here Aȝen wat men ȝe ssolle fiȝte.c1380Sir Ferumb. 1745 Þer-of nemaþ gome.c1410Chron. Eng. 97 in Ritson Metr. Rom. II. 274 Londone he made furst with gome, Ant yef hit his oune nome.1877Holderness Gloss., Gawm, sense, wit, tact.
III. gome3
= coom n.1 4.
1611Cotgr., Camboy, the blacke, and oylie grease, of a wrought cart-wheele; some call it, the Gome.
IV. gome
var. gom1, Obs.; obs. form of gum.
V. gome(n
obs. form of game.




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