

单词 trapping
释义 I. trapping, vbl. n.1|ˈtræpɪŋ|
Chiefly in pl. trappings.
[f. trap n.2 and v.2 + -ing1.]
A cloth or covering spread over the harness or saddle of a horse or other beast of burden, often gaily ornamented; a caparison.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xviii. xli. (Bodl. MS.), The colte is nouȝt..ihiȝt wiþ trappinge and gay harneys.1553Eden Treat. Newe Ind. (Arb.) 15 margin, The riche trapping of the kinges horse.1764Harmer Observ. xxv. vi. 283 On a stately steed, with a rich saddle and fine trappings.1817Moore Lalla R. (1824) 3 The embroidered trappings of the elephants.
b. transf. Chiefly pl. ‘Ornaments; dress; embellishments; external, superficial, and trifling decoration’ (J.). Also fig.
1596Nashe Saffron Walden 114 Hee is neuer wont to keep anie man longer than the sute lasteth he brings with him, and then turne him to grasse and get one in newe trappings.1601Shakes. Twel. N. v. i. 10 Duke. Belong you to the Lady Oliuia, friends? Clo. I sir, we are some of her trappings.1602Ham. i. ii. 86 These, but the Trappings, and the Suites of woe.1685Dryden Thren. August. 330 He needs no Trappings of fictitious Fame.1791Boswell Johnson an. 1758 (1906) I. 201 A motto, the usual trapping of periodical papers.1791Cowper Iliad iv. 167 The stately trapping of some prince.1859Helps Friends in C. Ser. ii. II. vii. 136 To strip a man of all his trappings of birth, rank, and education.
Hence ˈtrappinged |-ɪŋd| a., adorned with trappings.
1654Gayton Pleas. Notes iv. xv. 252 What regard would be given to a Praetor without his trapping'd horse, the Gold Chain, and the Cap of maintenance?
II. trapping, vbl. n.2|ˈtræpɪŋ|
[f. trap v.1 + -ing1.]
The action of trap v.1 in various senses; catching by or as by a trap, etc.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. v. xi. (Tollem. MS.), Þan by trappynge of þe humoure, þat is conten[i]t, he makeþ þe teres falle oute of þe yen [orig. per alicationem contenti humoris oculos lacrymari faciunt].a1533Frith Disput. Purgat. (1829) 107 To that answereth he neither yea nor nay, for fear of trapping.16..Country Gentleman's Vade M. (Nares), For their art of trapping.1842Rept. Comm. on Employment Children, The employment..assigned to the youngest children, generally that of ‘trapping’.1867Trollope Chron. Barset I. xxxiii. 286 [He] had his own very strong ideas about the trapping of foxes.1890Lancet 22 Nov. 1125/2 The defects in drainage arrangement, such as want of proper trappings..were very numerous.
b. attrib. and Comb.
1837W. Irving Capt. Bonneville i. (1849) 24 They detach bands..of trappers in various directions, assigning to each a portion of country as a..trapping ground.1895Fraser Whaups of Durley iii. 36 The trapping lesson, was..the most enjoyable part of the day's work.1904W. M. Gallichan Fishing Spain 164 One of these trapping-places [for trout].1904Westm. Gaz. 3 Dec. 10/3 The Illicit Diamond Buying Act, said prisoner, was part of a trapping system.
III. trapping, vbl. n.3
see trap n.4
IV. trapping, vbl. n.4
see trap-cut, quot. 1853.
V. ˈtrapping, ppl. a.
[f. trap v.1 + -ing2.]
That traps or entraps: see trap v.1
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VII 22 He allured and enticed with moost flatterynge woordes and trappynge termes, the lady Anne.1551T. Wilson Logike (1580) 85 b, They are called trappyng argumentes, because fewe that aunswered vnto them, can auoide daunger.1821Clare Vill. Minstr. II. 63 Leave, oh leave the murky barn, Ere trapping spiders thee discern.




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