

单词 through-stone
释义 I. through-stone1 Now only Sc. and north. dial.|ˈθrʌxstəʊn, ˈθrʌf-|
[f. through n.1 (q.v. for Forms) + stone n.]
A horizontal grave-stone or slab over a tomb: = through n.1 3.
13..Cursor M. 16762 + 94 (Cott.) Throgh stones in sunder brast, And ded bodyes gon rise.c1440Promp. Parv. 493/2 Thurwhe stone, of a grave [v.rr. thwrwe ston, throwe or thorw ston, throwe or throwstone], sarcofagus.1509Test. Ebor. (Surtees) V. 5, I will have a thorgh ston of marbill to be laid uppon my grave.1540N.C. Wills (Surtees 1908) 167 Yt myne execoutoures shall bye a threwgh stone and laye upon my mother in Seynt Andrewes Church.1593Rites of Durham (Surtees 1903) 60 An other gentleman..was buryed in the said Garth..with a faire throwgh stone aboue hym.1703Bp. W. Nicolson Misc. Acc. (1877) 106 A couple of fair Freestone Monuments or Through-Stones.1818Scott Br. Lamm. xxiv, The muckle through-stane that stands on sax legs yonder.1825Brockett N.C. Words, Thruff-stone.1848Edinb. Antiq. Mag. Nov. 113 A group of beautiful ‘throoch-stanes’, i.e. the large flat stones on pillars.1894Crockett Lilac Sunbonnet 55 [He] set a big thruch stane ower his first wife.
II. through-stone2, thorough-stone Building.|ˈθruːstəʊn|, |ˈθʌrəstəʊn|
[f. through prep. + stone n.]
A stone placed so as to extend through the thickness of a wall; a bond-stone.
1805Dickson Pract. Agric. I. 112 Long stones should..be selected for the purpose of being placed occasionally across the wall, in order to bind it well together. These are termed throughs, or through stones.1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 538 In each course of ashlar facing..thorough-stones should occasionally be introduced.1879Cassell's Techn. Educ. ii. 98 Thorough-stones or bond⁓stones.1893C. Hodges in Reliquary Jan. 9 The side walls..are built of large stones, as wide as the walls are thick, i.e. they are all through stones.




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