

单词 Pelagian
释义 Pelagian, a.1 and n.1|pɪˈleɪdʒɪən|
[f. L. Pelagiān-us (Augustine), f. Pelagius, latinized form (see prec.) of the name of a British monk of the 4th and 5th centuries, whose doctrines were fiercely combated by St. Augustine, and condemned by Pope Zosimus in a.d. 418.
1645Pagitt Heresiogr. (1662) 229 Pelagius.. his name in Welsh was Morgan, which signifies the sea.]
A. adj. Of or pertaining to Pelagius or his doctrines.
Pelagius denied the Catholic doctrine of original sin, asserting that Adam's fall did not involve his posterity, and maintained that the human will is of itself capable of good without the assistance of divine grace.
1579W. Wilkinson Confut. Familye of Loue, Brief Descr., Many a simple soule hath hee shamefully..deceiued with his foule Pelagian opinion.1651Baxter Inf. Bapt. 263 Origen..being a leader and Patron of the Pelagian error.1697South Serm. (1698) III. 45 Throughout all this Pelagian Scheme, we have not so much as one Word of Mans Natural Impotency to Spiritual Things.1879Farrar St. Paul II. 216 note, The Pelagian [theory] treats Adam's sin as a mere bad example.
B. n. A follower of the doctrines of Pelagius.
1532More Confut. Dr. Barnes viii. Wks. 798/2 Sayncte Austin wrote..those woordes against..the Pelagians and the Celestians.1553Articles of Religion ix, Originall Sinne standeth not in the following of Adam, as the Pellagianes doe vainelie talke,..but it is the fault, and corruption of the nature of euery manne, that naturallie is engendred of the offspring of Adam.1706J. Bingham Fr. Ch. Apol. iii. x, None ever disliked the use of the Lord's Prayer but only the Pelagians.1884Ruskin Pleas. Eng. 16 The Pelagian's assertion that immortality could be won by man's will.




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