

单词 therein
释义 therein, adv. Now formal, arch., or dial.|ðɛərˈɪn|
Forms: see there and in; also 3 þrin.
[OE. þǽrin, f. þǽr there 17 + in prep.]
1. In that place or (material) thing.
a1000Boeth. Metr. xi. 4 Wealdend..heofones & eorðan..& ealra ðara þe ðærin wuniað.a1300Cursor M. 15895 (Cott.) A knaun freind he had þare in [v.rr. þar ine, þerin].1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xiii. xxvi. (Bodl. MS.), Þerin is a maner kinde of beestes Dolphyns wiþ rugge itoþed as a sawe.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 789 Þai sailed þar in merualously.1535Coverdale Ps. xxiv. 2 The compasse of the worlde, and all yt dwell therin.1676Ray Corr. (1848) 123 If you have observed any errors or mistakes therein.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) III. 688 The universe, and the things that are and move therein.1911Act 1 Geo. V, c. 1 Sched. (Paisley Corp. Order Confirm. Act), The late Robert Brodie..by his trust disposition..conveyed his entire property to trustees therein named.
b. In or during that time.
1539Bible (Great) Exod. xxxi. 14 Kepe my Sabbath..whosoeuer worketh therin, the same soule shalbe roted out from amonge hys people.
2. In that affair or matter; in that thing, circumstance, or particular.
c1230Hali Meid. 3 Maken þe to þenchen hwuch delit were þrin.a1300Cursor M. 13759 (Cott.) Lok þi will bi noght þar in.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 2 That ye neuer..be besy to attempte ony persone therin.c1555Harpsfield Divorce Hen. VIII (Camden) 83 Therein we do find no fault.1588A. King tr. Canisius' Catech. 130 All perdition had the beginning thairin [in pride].1631Heywood 2nd Pt. Maid of West iv. Wks. 1874 II. 391 Thou therein hadst much hyperboliz'd.1882Spurgeon Treas. Dav. Ps. cxix. 17 The more will he be driven towards God for help therein.
3. Inside, in the house, within doors. mod. Sc.
1822Hogg Perils of Man III. vii. 202 Bessy Chisholm—Heh! Are ye therein?1828Buchan Ballads I. 113 If ye'll work therein as we thoreout, Well borrow'd shou'd your body be.
4. Into that place or (material) thing.
a1240Sawles Warde in Cott. Hom. 263 Þu most al gan þrin ant al beon bigotten þrin, for in þe ne mei hit nanesweis neomen in.a1300Cursor M. 8852 Þair in [Trin. þerynne] þan was þair relikes don.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. iii. xviii. (W. de W. 1495) 65 Somtyme grauel and powder falleth therin.1526R. Whitford Martiloge 135 b, Than made they a grete fyre..and cast therin pytche and rosyne.1747Wesley Prim. Physick (1762) 90 Smell to a Spunge dipt there-in.
5. = thereon 2: cf. in prep. 32 a. Obs.
1535Coverdale 1 Sam. xxxi. 4 Then toke Saul y⊇ swerde, and fell therin. [Cf. Germ. (Luther) fiel darein; Vulg. super eum; next verse has vpon his swerde.]
6. As rel. adv.: In which; into which; = wherein. Obs.
971Blickl. Hom. 73 He wæs on Simones huse..þærin ᵹeat þæt wif þa deorwyrþan smerenesse on his heafod.13..Cast. Love (Halliw.) 56 This castel Marie bodi wes, Therin he alyght and his in ches [chose his inn].13..Cursor M. 396 (Gött.) In þe heiest element of all, Þar in þe fire has his stall.1422tr. Secreta Secret., Priv. Priv. 167 The Seete therin as he was woned to sitte.
7. therein ˈafter, therein beˈfore, therein ˈunder, = after, before, below in that document, statute, etc. (Usually written as single words: cf. herein after, etc., s.v. herein.)
1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) II. 276 Upon trust to preserve the contingent remainders thereinafter limited.1827Jarman Powell's Devises (ed. 3) II. 105 A general residuary devise of real and personal estate not thereinbefore disposed of.18..A. Bain in B. Stewart Conserv. Force (1873) viii. 221 He gave ‘mental work’ as one heading, but declined to make an entry thereinunder.




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