

单词 domestical
释义 doˈmestical, a. and n. Obs. or arch.
[f. L. domestic-us domestic + -al1. (Much used in 16–17th c.)]
A. adj.
1. = domestic a. 2.
1459Sir J. Fastolf Will in Paston Lett. I. 457 My right trusty chapeleyn and servaunt domysticall.1594Hooker Eccl. Pol. iii. vi, In their domesticall celebration of the passeouer.1664Evelyn Sylva (1776) 226 Domestical utensils, as baskets, bags.1737Whiston Josephus' Hist. i. xxii. §1 Raising him up domestical troubles.1856Emerson Eng. Traits, Relig. Wks. (Bohn) II. 96 A massive system..at once domestical and stately.
b. = domestic a. 2 b.
1586Bright Melanch. xii. 62 Inward and domesticall, in that it proceedeth from a natural power.1605Timme Quersit. i. ii. 48 The domesticall enemies which are within mans body.
2. = domestic a. 3, 3 b.
1531Elyot Gov. ii. vi. (1883) 60 We lacke nat of this vertue domisticall examples, I meane of our owne kynges of Englande.1570–6Lambarde Peramb. Kent (1826) 313 The domesticall and foreigne affaires of the Realme.1610J. Guillim Heraldry iii. x. (1660) 149 Some [Plants] are forrein, and some Domesticall.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. vii. i. §21 Domestical dissentions of his own Subjects.
3. = domestic a. 4.
1562W. Bullein Bk. Simples (1579) 77 Domesticall or yard foules.1634T. Johnson Parey's Chirurg. ii. (1678) 44 The Camel is a very domestical and gentle Beast.1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. ii. ix. 208 Animals..that are domestical, and not for food, as Cats and Dogs.
b. Of plants: Cultivated, not wild.
1578Lyte Dodoens iv. xviii. 473 The Domesticall, or husbandly beanes, do growe in feeldes and gardens.Ibid. xxii. 479 The domestical or tame Ciches.
4. Familiar, homely.
1563Winȝet Agst. Hæreseis i. xxviii. Wks. 1890 II. 60 Gif we sal begin to mixt..vncouth and strange thingis with domestical materis.1578Banister Hist. Man iv. 52 In our domesticall phrase.1637Heywood Dial. iv. Wks. 1874 VI. 156 O Jupiter..That art domesticall and hospitable.
B. n. A member of the household; a household servant; = domestic n. 1, 2.
c1540tr. Pol. Verg. Eng. Hist. (Camden) I. 110 Hee tooke deliberation of his domesticalls and generallie all his princes.1582N. T. (Rhem.) Eph. ii. 19 You are citizens of the sainctes, and the domesticals of God.1639T. Brugis tr. Camus' Mor. Relat. 228 This youth was one of Fursees domesticals.
Hence domestiˈcality, domestic quality.
1819W. Taylor in Monthly Rev. LXXXVIII. 225 His very reflections have a domesticality of character.




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