

单词 discrimination
释义 discrimination|dɪskrɪmɪˈneɪʃən|
[ad. L. discrīminātiōn-em, n. of action from discrīmināre to discriminate.]
1. a. The action of discriminating; the perceiving, noting, or making a distinction or difference between things; a distinction (made with the mind, or in action). Also with against.
1648Eikon Bas. xxvii. (1824) 265 Take heed of abetting any factions, of applying to any publique discriminations in matters of religion, contrary to what is, in your judgement, and the Church well setled.1678Phillips, Discrimination a putting a difference between one thing and another. In Rhetorick it is the same figure with Paradiastole.1705Stanhope Paraphr. I. 24 A perfect Discrimination shall then be made between the Good and Bad.1864Bowen Logic i. 4 A conscious discrimination of those respects in which it is similar to others from those in which it is unlike them.1889Spectator 9 Nov., Life is a constant series of discriminations between what it is well to attempt and what it is not well to attempt.1949Times 10 Sept. 5/6 Any sort of discrimination against the trade of any country or countries... Discrimination always tends to be practised against exports from ‘hard-currency countries’.1951J. R. Winton Dict. Econ. Terms 28 As the result of the world dollar shortage..discrimination has been widely practised..against the U.S.A.
b. passively. The fact or condition of being discriminated or distinguished. ? Obs.
a1699Stillingfl. (J.), There is a reverence to be showed them on account of their discrimination from other places, and separation for sacred uses.1791–1823Disraeli Cur. Lit., Mast. Ceremon., Precedence, and other honorary discriminations, establish the useful distinctions of ranks.
c. spec. The making of distinctions prejudicial to people of a different race or colour from oneself; racial discrimination.
1866A. Johnson Speech 27 Mar. in H. S. Commager Documents Amer. Hist. (1935) II. 16/2 Thus a perfect equality of the white and colored races is attempted to be fixed by Federal law in every State of the Union over the vast field of State jurisdiction covered by these enumerated rights. In no one of these can any State ever exercise any power of discrimination between the different races.1899B. T. Washington Fut. Amer. Negro vi. 148 Let the very best educational opportunities be provided for both races; and add to this an election law that shall be incapable of unjust discrimination.1906Ann. Amer. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci. XXVII. iii. 550 So long as the North treats the negro workman with blighting discrimination it is left little moral ground for complaint against the South where a like spirit assumes a different form of manifestation.1955Ann. Reg. 1954 135 Direct talks between South Africa..and India and Pakistan..on the..dispute over alleged discrimination against Indians in the Union.1971Times 9 Mar. 14/7 Mr. Maudling could still say that ‘it [sc. the Immigration Bill] is not a matter of discrimination, unless you're looking for discrimination’.
d. Psychol. In a learning situation, the identification of a stimulus and the choice of an appropriate response. Freq. attrib.
1890W. James Princ. Psychol. I. iii. 94 The reaction may be withheld until the signal has consciously awakened a distinct idea (Wundt's discrimination-time, association-time) and then performed.1894Creighton & Titchener tr. Wundt's Hum. & Anim. Psychol. 279 By subtracting the previously determined simple time from this longer time we get a discrimination-time.1898E. B. Titchener Primer Psychol. 260 In the discrimination reaction, he [sc. the subject] moves when he has apperceived some one or two or more familiar stimuli.1948E. R. Hilgard Theories of Learning v. 130 Skinner believes that his arrangement for obtaining discrimination is superior to that usually used.Ibid., The discrimination experiment is always complicated by an additional fact of importance.1953C. E. Osgood Method & Theory Exper. Psychol. iii. viii. 352 What is it in behavior that enters to check this overboard generalization of response? The process is called discrimination.1963J. H. Flavell Developmental Psychol. J. Piaget ii. 56 Discrimination is the complement of generalization, as students of learning have long known.1967Neimark & Estes Stimulus Sampling Theory iv. 430 The classification of discrimination theories..is based upon the number of elementary processes invoked.Ibid. 431 Any comprehensive account of learning must provide an adequate account of stimulus generalization and discrimination.1970L. Elkington tr. Le Ny's Learning & Memory 57 The maze is a more complex discrimination situation in which there are possible alternative responses.Ibid. 58 In both types of situation (discrimination apparatus and maze), the reaction..is a partially new reaction.
2. Something that discriminates or distinguishes; a distinction, difference (existing in or between things); a distinguishing mark or characteristic. Now rare or Obs.
1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. iii. xxiii. 166 [These] are discriminations very materiall, and plainly declare, that under the same name Authors describe not the same animall.1759Johnson Rasselas xxviii. (1787) 79 Where we see..the whole at once, we readily note the discriminations.1807G. Chalmers Caledonia I. i. i. 2 To that event the various tribes owe their discrimination and their origin.
3. The faculty of discriminating; the power of observing differences accurately, or of making exact distinctions; discernment.
1814Scott Wav. xxiii, His character was touched with yet more discrimination by Flora.1838Dickens Nich. Nick. xviii, It does..credit to your discrimination that you should have found such a very excellent young woman.1866Geo. Eliot F. Holt II. xvi. 15 It was essential..that his waistcoat should imply much discrimination.
4. = recrimination. Obs. rare.
a1670Hacket Abp. Williams i. (1692) 16 (D.), Reproaches and all sorts of unkind discriminations.1684Baxter in Hale's True Relig. Introd. A b, Schisms and Factions, and Personal Animosities, discriminations, Censoriousness.
Hence discrimiˈnational a., of or pertaining to discrimination; in Palmistry = discriminal.
1879R. A. Campbell Philosophic Chiromancy 167 The Wrist Lines, also known as the Rascette and Discriminational lines, separate the hand from the arm by a single, double, or triple transcursion at the wrist.




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