

单词 financier
释义 I. financier|fɪˈnænsɪə(r)|
[a. F. financier, f. finance: see finance n.1]
1. Fr. Hist. An administrator, collector, or farmer of taxes before the Revolution. Obs.
1678in Phillips App.1741Hume Ess. xv. 185 The only Gainers by it [the oppressive fiscal system in France] are the Financiers, a Race of Men..hated by..the whole Kingdom.1755Johnson Dict., Financier [in italics as a foreign word], one who collects and farms the public revenue.
2. One who is concerned with finance; one who is skilled in levying and managing public money.
1618Bacon Let. to Jas. I, 2 Jan. Wks. (Spedding) XIII. 453, I..whom only love and duty to your majesty..hath made a financier.1681S. Colvil Whigs Supplic. (1751) 136 So we may prove Financiers thieves.1770Ld. Malmesbury Diaries & Corr. (1844) I. 52 His [Charles III of Spain] own subjects are starving, and his financiers are at their wits' ends.1790Burke Fr. Rev. 330 The objects of a financier are..to secure an ample revenue; to impose it with judgment..to employ it œconomically [etc.].1824Byron Juan xvi. xcviii, Most orators, but very few financiers.1874Green Short Hist. ix. §10. 710 Walpole..was the first English Minister who was a great financier.
3. A capitalist concerned in financial operations.
1867Pall Mall G. 26 July 7 A financial combination of London financiers and financial houses.1880Disraeli Endym. xxxviii, Forty years ago the great financiers had not that..position in society which they possess at present.
Hence fiˈnanciery, the practice or occupation of a financier.
1881Blackw. Mag. CXXIX. 176 Speculative customers who had an instinctive flaire for accommodating financiery, began to find him out.
II. financier, v.|ˌfɪnænˈsɪə(r)|
Also financeer.
[f. prec. n.; first in vbl. n. and ppl. adj. financiering, after engineering, etc.]
a. intr. To play the part of a financier; to conduct financial operations. Chiefly in contemptuous use; now often (esp. in U.S.), to swindle, cheat. Also quasi-trans. to financier away, financier out of.
b. trans. = finance v. 2. Hence finanˈciering vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1800Morn. Chron. in Spirit Pub. Jrnls. (1801) IV. 163 Your financiering genius.1822Examiner 290/1 The unspeakable financiering of the ‘heaven-born’.1843Blackw. Mag. LIV. 245 The financiering economist of ‘cheese parings and candle ends’.1864Carlyle Fredk. Gt. IV. xvi. vii. 339 Expenditures and financierings.1865Ibid. VI. xx. vi. 147 Endless sore business he doubtless has, of recruiting, financiering, watching and providing.1864Sala in Daily Tel. 27 Sept., At least one-fifth of the five millions of dollars..has been ‘financiered’ away to private uses.1865Diary in Amer. I. 129 He tried hard..to financeer us out of an additional forty cents.1884N.Y. Herald 27 Oct. 4/3 Railroad construction and financiering.1892Harper's Mag. Feb. 429/2 This region..does its financiering in Chicago.1894Daily News 3 Oct. 6/5 Intent upon persuading her husband to financeer the Onofalga Company.




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