

单词 waste
释义 waste
v., adj., & n.
  1. tr. use to no purpose or for inadequate result or extravagantly (waste time).
  2. tr. fail to use (esp. an opportunity).
  3. tr. (often foll. by on) give (advice etc.), utter (words etc.), without effect.
  4. tr. & intr. wear gradually away; make or become weak; wither.
  5. tr. ravage, devastate.
  6. tr. treat as wasted or valueless.
  7. intr. be expended without useful effect.
  1. superfluous; no longer serving a purpose.
  2. (of a district etc.) not inhabited or cultivated; desolate (waste ground).
  3. presenting no features of interest.
  1. the act or an instance of wasting; extravagant or ineffectual use of an asset, of time, etc.
  2. waste material or food; refuse; useless remains or by-products.
  3. a waste region; a desert etc.
  4. the state of being used up; diminution by wear and tear.
  5. Law damage to an estate caused by an act or by neglect, esp. by a life-tenant.
  6. = waste pipe.
Phrases and idioms
go (or run) to waste be wasted. lay waste ravage, devastate. waste-basket esp. US = waste-paper basket. waste one's breath see BREATH. waste not, want not extravagance leads to poverty. waste paper spoiled or valueless paper. waste-paper basket esp. Brit. a receptacle for waste paper. waste pipe a pipe to carry off waste material, e.g. from a sink. waste products useless by-products of manufacture or of an organism or organisms. waste words see WORD.
wastable adj. wasteless adj.
Etymology: ME f. ONF wast(e), var. of OF g(u)ast(e), f. L vastus




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