

单词 horror
释义 horror
n. & adj.
  1. a painful feeling of loathing and fear.
  2. a (often foll. by of) intense dislike. b (often foll. by at) colloq. intense dismay.
  3. a a person or thing causing horror. b colloq. a bad or mischievous person etc.
  4. (in pl.; prec. by the) a fit of horror, depression, or nervousness, esp. as in delirium tremens.
  5. a terrified and revolted shuddering.
  6. (in pl.) an exclamation of dismay.
--attrib adj. (of literature, films, etc.) designed to attract by arousing pleasurable feelings of horror.
Phrases and idioms
Chamber of Horrors a place full of horrors (orig. a room of criminals etc. in Madame Tussaud's waxworks). horror-struck (or -stricken) horrified, shocked.
Etymology: ME f. OF (h)orrour f. L horror -oris (as HORRID)




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