

单词 wadding

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
wad•ding  (woding),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. any fibrous or soft material for stuffing, padding, packing, etc., esp. carded cotton in specially prepared sheets.
  2. material used as wads for guns, cartridges, etc.
  3. Surgeryany large dressing made of cotton or a similar absorbent material that is used to stanch the flow of blood or dress a wound.
  4. a wad or lump.
  • wad1 + -ing1 1620–30

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
wadding /ˈwɒdɪŋ/ n
  1. any fibrous or soft substance used as padding, stuffing, etc, esp sheets of carded cotton prepared for the purpose
  2. a piece of this
  3. material for wads used in cartridges or guns
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
wad1 /wɑd/USA pronunciation   n., v., wad•ded, wad•ding. 
n. [countable]
  1. a small mass, as of cotton, used esp. for padding and packing, filling a hole, etc.
  2. a roll of bank notes.
  3. Informal Termsa fairly large amount of something, as money:made a wad in the stock market.
  4. a small mass of substance for chewing:a wad of chewing tobacco; a wad of gum.

v. [+ object]
  1. Slang Termsto form into a wad, as by rolling tightly: [~ (+ up) + object]He wadded (up) the paper.[+ object (+ up)]He wadded the paper (up).

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
wad1  (wod),USA pronunciation n., v., wad•ded, wad•ding. 
    1. a small mass, lump, or ball of anything:a wad of paper; a wad of tobacco.
    2. a small mass of cotton, wool, or other fibrous or soft material, used for stuffing, padding, packing, etc.
    3. a roll of something, esp. of bank notes.
    4. Informal Termsa comparatively large stock or quantity of something, esp. money:He's got a healthy wad salted away.
    5. a plug of cloth, tow, paper, or the like, used to hold the powder or shot, or both, in place in a gun or cartridge.
    6. British Termsa bundle, esp. a small one, of hay, straw, etc.
    7. Informal Terms shoot one's wad:
      • to spend all one's money:He shot his wad on a new car.
      • to expend all one's energies or resources at one time:She shot her wad writing her first novel and her second wasn't as good.
      • Slang (vulgar). (of a man) to have an orgasm.

    1. Slang Termsto form (material) into a wad.
    2. to roll tightly (often fol. by up):He wadded up his cap and stuck it into his pocket.
    3. to hold in place by a wad:They rammed and wadded the shot into their muskets.
    4. to put a wad into;
      stuff with a wad.
    5. to fill out with or as if with wadding;
      pad:to wad a quilt; to wad a speech with useless information.

    1. to become formed into a wad:The damp tissues had wadded in his pocket.
    • Arab bāṭa'in lining of a garment, batting; compare French ouate, Dutch watte, Swedish vadd
    • Medieval Latin wadda
    • 1530–40
    wadder, n. 

wad2  (wod),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Mineralogya soft, earthy, black to dark-brown mass of manganese oxide minerals.
  • origin, originally uncertain 1605–15

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
wad /wɒd/ n
  1. a small mass or ball of fibrous or soft material, such as cotton wool, used esp for packing or stuffing
  2. a plug of paper, cloth, leather, etc, pressed against a charge to hold it in place in a muzzle-loading cannon
  3. a disc of paper, felt, pasteboard, etc, used to hold in place the powder and shot in a shotgun cartridge
  4. a roll or bundle of something, esp of banknotes
vb (wads, wadding, wadded)
  1. to form (something) into a wad
  2. (transitive) to roll into a wad or bundle
  3. (transitive) to hold (a charge) in place with a wad
  4. to insert a wad into (a gun)
  5. (transitive) to pack or stuff with wadding; pad
Etymology: 14th Century: from Late Latin wadda; related to German Watte cotton wool




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