

单词 gg



the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Guernsey


abbreviation for 1. Girl Guides 2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Governor General 3. (Telecommunications) text messaging good game



1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the Bailiwick of Guernsey. This is the code used in international transactions to and from Guernesiais bank accounts.

2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for Guernsey. This is used as an international standard for shipping to Guernsey. Because Guernsey is a British Crown Dependency, it has its own ISO 3166-2 code under the UK entry.


GGGood Game
GGGotta Go
GGGirls' Generation (band)
GGGadu-Gadu (Polish messenger application)
GGGovernor General
GGGossip Girl (book series)
GGGet Good (gaming clan)
GGGuernsey (country code, top level domain)
GGGuilty Gear (game)
GGGame Gear (Sega)
GGGilmore Girls (TV show)
GGGrundgesetz (German constitution)
GGGreat Game
GGGolden Globe
GGGreat Grandma
GGGun Game (Counter-Strike: Source map type mod)
GGGood Girl
GGGeology and Geophysics (various universities)
GGGo Girl
GGGame Genie
GGGarden Grove (California)
GGGoogle Groups
GGGreen Gas
GGGo Green
GGGadugadu (Indonesian cuisine)
GGGood God
GGGood Grief
GGGefahrgut (German: Hazardous Material)
GGGood Games (gaming community)
GGGood Governance
GGGungrave (anime)
GGGlenn Gould (Canadian pianist; 1932-1982)
GGGood Going
GGGuar Gum (polymer)
GGGirly Girl
GGGraduate Gemologist
GGGrandes Gueules (French)
GGGirl Guides
GGGary Gulman (comedian)
GGGoblin Gang (gaming)
GGGlobal Gathering
GGGewerbegebiet (German: trade area)
GGGeneral Grievous (Star Wars)
GGGatling Gun
GGGolden Gloves (boxing)
GGG-Gundam (Anime)
GGGoodness Gracious
GGGenetic Girl (as differentiated from transgendered individual)
GGGas Generator
GGGrenadier Guards
GGGoofy Goober
GGGamma Globulin
GGGreat Genius
GGGrill/Griddle (restaurant term)
GGGame Girl (game)
GGGarage Games
GGGreat Grandad
GGEditorial Gustavo Gili (publisher; Spain)
GGGartner Group
GGGreat Goddess
GGGolden Grahams (cereal)
GGGrim Grotto (Lemony Snicket)
GGGravity Gradient
GGGraphics Generator
GGGeneric Goal (Capability Maturity Model Integration)
GGGeneral Guy (video game character)
GGGender Girl
GGGreat Gross (Old English for 12 gross)
GGGeometric Goppa
GGGeen Gehoor (Dutch: No Answer)
GGGovernment Grade
GGGidget Gein (artist/musician)
GGGalunggong (scad fish)
GGGiga-Gram (10 billion grams)
GGGateway to Gateway protocol
GGGladsaxe Gymnasium (Copenhagen, Denmark high school)
GGGlock Group (Newgrounds group)
GGGalgaduud (postal region, Somalia)
GGGamma Glutamine
GGGamna Gandy (iron-containing foci in spleen histopathology; also seen as Gandy Gamna bodies)
GGAir Guyane - French Guiana (IATA airline code)
GGGalloping Governors (Toastmasters)
GGGorgonian Grotto (Lemony Snicket)
GGGuru Gathering
GGGrupului de Gen (Romanian: Gender Task Force)
GGGoeverneur-Generaal (Dutch East-Indies)
GGGutton Glock (Austrian gun manufacturer)
GGGod's Greetings
GGGitter and Glial Cells (neurohistopathology)
GGGule Grønnsaker




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