Big Lake National Wildlife Refuge

Big Lake National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:PO Box 67
Manila, AR 72442

Established: 1915.
Location:2 miles east of Manila in northeastern Arkansas.
Facilities:Fishing pier, viewing sites, boat ramps, auto tour route, trail.
Activities:Boating, canoeing, fishing, frogging, hunting, educational programs.
Special Features:The refuge basin is thought to have formed as a result of the New Madrid earthquakes in the winter of 1811-12.
Habitats: 11,038 acres of water interspersed with timbered swampland.
Access: Lake is open to the public March through October during daylight hours. Auto tour route is open year round.
Wild life: Wintering and migrating ducks, nesting bald eagles and osprey.

See other parks in Arkansas.