

单词 entropion



(ɛnˈtrəʊpɪən; ɛnˈtrəʊpɪˌɒn) n (Pathology) the turning inwards of the edge of the eyelid



 [en-tro´pe-on] inversion, or the turning inward, as of the margin of an eyelid.entropion u´veae inversion of the margin of the pupil.


, entropium (en-trō'pē-on, -pē-ŭm), 1. Inversion or turning inward of a part. 2. The infolding of the margin of an eyelid. [G. en, in, + tropē, a turning]


Ophthalmology Inversion of the eyelid or, generically, any part with a free margin


, entropium (en-trō'pē-on, -ŭm) 1. Inversion or turning inward of a part. 2. The infolding of the margin of an eyelid. [G. en, in, + tropē, a turning]


Inward curling of the margin of an eyelids so that the lashes tend to rub against the eye. In severe entropion there may be complete inversion of the lid, so that the lashes are hidden. Entropion can lead to ulceration of the CORNEA.


Inward turning of the eyelid. It results in the eyelashes rubbing the cornea (as in trichiasis) and this usually causes discomfort. The most common cause of entropion that occurs in old people (called involutional entropion) and only affects the lower eyelid is due to a combination of atrophy and weakening of the tarsus, loss of tone of the subcutaneous tissues and loss of elasticity of the skin. Other causes are scarring (e.g. trachoma, Stevens-Johnson syndrome), burns of the palpebral conjunctiva (called cicatricial entropion) which may affect either the upper or the lower eyelid, or spasm of the orbicularis muscle often resulting from an ocular inflammation or lid infection (called acute spastic entropion) which may subside spontaneously once the original cause has been removed. Temporary relief of entropion may be provided by the taping of the lower eyelid to the cheek but the treatment is usually surgical. See ectropion; therapeutic soft contact lens; orthopaedic spectacles; tarsus; trichiasis.
cicatricial entropion; involutional entropion See entropion.
congenital e . A rare congenital inversion of the eyelid usually associated with tarsal hypoplasia or microphthalmia. It may be confused with epiblepharon. If treatment is needed it is surgical, although many cases resolve spontaneously with time.




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