Acronym | Definition |
CCMO➣Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (Dutch: Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects; Netherlands) |
CCMO➣Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations |
CCMO➣Colorado Council of Mediators and Mediation Organizations (Denver, CO) |
CCMO➣Cercle des Chercheurs sur le Moyen-Orient (French: Circle of Research of the Middle East) |
CCMO➣Coordination, Control and the Management of Organizations (Harvard Business School; Boston, MA) |
CCMO➣Centre Commun de Microélectronique de l'Ouest (French: Joint Center for Microelectronics West) |
CCMO➣Compétences Complémentaires en Management des Organisations (French: Complementary Skills in Organizational Management; university course) |
CCMO➣Civilian Career Management Office |
CCMO➣Cleveland-Cliffs Michigan Operations (mining) |