

单词 es




The symbol for einsteinium.


the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Spain


the chemical symbol for (Elements & Compounds) einsteinium


abbreviation for El Salvador (international car registration)


Chem. Symbol. einsteinium.


, var. of -s 2 in verbs ending in s, z, ch, sh, or post-consonantal y: passes; buzzes; pitches; dashes; studies.


, var. of -s 3 in nouns ending in s, z, ch, sh, or post-consonantal y, and in nouns in f with v in the plural: losses; fuzzes; riches; ashes; babies; sheaves.


The symbol for einsteinium.
Noun1.Es - a radioactive transuranic element produced by bombarding plutonium with neutronsEs - a radioactive transuranic element produced by bombarding plutonium with neutronsatomic number 99, einsteinium, Emetal, metallic element - any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.



hot off the press(es)

1. Freshly printed, as of a periodical. The latest edition of the student newspaper is hot off the press, and my class is going to distribute it at lunch. Back in my day, you could tell when a newspaper was hot off the presses because it was actually still hot!2. Newly-circulating, as of a bit of news or gossip. Did you hear that Mara dumped Jim? It's hot off the press! Hey, it's hot off the presses—Greg got the promotion over Paul.See also: hot, off

ex out

To draw an ex (X) or series of exes over some written word or name so as to designate its removal or need to be disregarded. A noun or pronoun can be used between "ex" and "out." A: "Why is Amy's name exed out?" B: "Because she's not coming on the field trip anymore." Just ex out all of the words that you feel need to be deleted in the next draft.See also: ex, out

X out

To draw an ex (X) or series of exes over some written word or name so as to designate its removal or need to be disregarded. A noun or pronoun can be used between "X" and "out." A: "Why is Amy's name Xed out?" B: "Because she's not coming on the field trip anymore." Just X out all of the words that you feel need to be deleted in the next draft.See also: out

mi casa(,) (es) su casa

Please, treat my home as if it were your own; help yourself while you stay here. Taken from a Spanish phrase that is translated literally as "my house (is) your house." A: "Do you mind if I have some of your cereal in the morning?" B: "Of course I don't mind! Mi casa, su casa!" And here is where you will be staying. Please help yourself to anything in the house—mi casa es su casa.See also: mi

(there) ain't no free lunch(es)

Nothing is provided or given away for free. "(There) ain't no" is a colloquial way of writing "there is/are no," usually used for emphasis. Ain't no free lunch in this country, pal. If you want money, you've gotta work for it! Sure, I could help get your application pushed through the committee, but there ain't no free lunches. If I help you out, I'll be expecting something in return.See also: free, no

X someone or something out

to mark out something printed or in writing, with Xs. Sally X'd the incorrect information out. Sally X'd out the incorrect information. You should X Tom out. He's not coming. Please X out this line of print.See also: out

x out

v.1. To make X-shaped marks on something to indicate that it should be deleted, canceled, or ignored: The editor will x out any offensive lines in your letter before publishing it. I wrote my number on the sheet and then, thinking again, I x'ed it out.2. To remove someone or something from a list or record: Many details of the Spanish civil war have been x'ed out of the history books to make room for more recent events. My name should be on the admissions list unless they have decided to x me out.See also: out

finishing touch(es)

The final stroke(s) that ensure completion or perfection. The term is derived from painting, that is, the last stroke of the artist’s brush, and was soon transferred to any creative effort, ranging from cake-baking to assembling a costume. Its earliest appearance in print dates from the mid-eighteenth century, and Eric Partridge concluded it became a cliché within a hundred years. See also: finish




symbol for the element einsteiniumeinsteinium
[for Albert Einstein], artificially produced radioactive chemical element; symbol Es; at. no. 99; mass no. of most stable isotope 252; m.p. about 860&degC;; b.p. and sp. gr. unknown; valence +2, +3.
..... Click the link for more information.


(chemistry) einsteinium


(networking)The country code for Spain.


(operating system)Extensible Shell.


(3)(Expert System) An expert system for the IBM PCfeaturing forward chaining, backward chaining and fuzzy set relations.


[BYTE Oct 1990].




 (Es) [īn-sti´ne-um] a chemical element, atomic number 99, atomic weight 254. (See Appendix 6.)


Symbol for einsteinium.


Abbreviation for:
educational supervisor, see there 
embryonic stem
emergency service
employment service 
end stage
endometrial stromal
endoscopic sclerotherapy
epileptic seizure
epithelioid sarcoma
Ewing sarcoma
expectorated sputum


Symbol for einsteinium



The two-character ISO 3166 country code for SPAIN.


1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the Kingdom of Spain. This is the code used in international transactions to and from Spanish bank accounts.

2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for Spain. This is used as an international standard for shipping to Spain. Each province and autonomous community has its own code, with provinces having the prefix "ES." For example, the code for the Province of Avila is ISO 3166-2:ES-AV.


ESEl Salvador
ESElementary School
ESEn Suite (lodging)
ESEmergency Services
ESElder Scrolls (video game series)
ESSpain (Internet Domain)
ESEarth Science
ESExpert Systems
ESElectrical System (various companies)
ESEspaña (Spanish: Spain)
ESEducational Services
ESEnvironmental Science
ESEspañol (Spanish)
ESExecutive Summary
ESEnterprise Solutions
ESEnterprise Server
ESEarth Surface
ESEnvironmental Services
ESExecutive Secretary
ESEarly Start
ESEmbryonic Stem
ESEnergy Shield (gaming)
ESElectrical Stimulation
ESEast Stroudsburg (East Stroudbsburg, PA)
ESEffect Size (calculation of intervention effectiveness)
ESEmployment Service
ESEmployee Satisfaction
ESEducation Specialist
ESEmergency Shelter
ESElectric Seats (automotive)
ESEnvironmental Statement (UK)
ESEnterprise Systems
ESExtra Strength
ESEmmitt Smith (NFL player)
ESEnd System
ESElectronic Storage
ESEnvironmental Specialist
ESEmployment Statistics
ESEnergy Spectrum
ESElectronic Surveillance
ESEngineering Sample
ESEvolution Strategy
ESEmission Spectroscopy
ESEnsemble Studios (game company)
ESEurostar (Italian railways)
ESEmergency Supply
ESEarth Station
ESExchange Student
ESEdison Screw (type of cap on an electric light bulb)
ESElectronic Support
ESETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) Standard
ESEngelmann Spruce (wood)
ESElite Soldiers (gaming clan)
ESEffective Size
ESElectronic Shopping
ESEscape Sequence
ESEscape System
ESEcological Survey
ESEnforcement Strategy
ESEinsteinium (element 99)
ESEcho Sounding
ESEnd Strength
ESEspírito Santo
ESExecutive Secretariat
ESEmerald Society (District of Columbia Fire Department)
ESExecutive Schedule
ESElectrical Stability
ESEquipment Shelf
ESEuropean Section
ESEdge Switch
ESEligible for Separation
ESÉducateur Spécialisé (French: Specialized Educator)
ESEnter Shikari (TV show, Japan)
ESElementary Stream
ESEnvironmental Security
ESEnough Said
ESEarth Simulator
ESEnemy Status
ESEarth Sustainability
ESExcel Saga (anime)
ESEuropean Standard
ESElectronic Sample
ESElectronic Warfare Support
ESElevated Standards (Sony)
ESEmbedded Simulation
ESExceeds Standards (school grading system)
ESEngineering System
ESEarth Sensor
ESSporadic E (radio communications)
ESElement Stability
ESEast Seventeen (band)
ESExtended Services
ESErrored Second
ESEnforcement Server (Microsoft)
ESEngineering Study
ESEngineered Safeguards
ESE-Mini S&P 500
ESEconomic Severity
ESEveryday Sunday
ESEquipment Section
ESEjercicio y Salud (Spanish, magazine)
ESEngineering Specifications
ESEnvironmental Sampling
ESExtra Segment
ESExpected Shortfall (risk metric)
ESEquipment Specialist
ESExercise Sciences
ESExasecond (time measurement)
ESElectricité de Strasbourg (French energy provider; aka EdS)
ESExecutive Sedan
ESExplosives Safety
ESExposure Scenario
ESEnglish Silver (rabbit breed)
ESEquipment Specification
ESExtremely High Standard
ESEnglish Shepherd (dog breed)
ESExternal Specification
ESEdit Switch
ESExplorer Scout
ESEstimating Service (insurance)
ESEssential Studies
ESEquipment Scheduling
ESEnvironmental Survival
ESEarth Shock (gaming, World of Warcraft Shaman Spell)
ESExtraction Steam
ESExtended Segment
ESEnders Shadow (book)
ESExtra Systole (pacemaker)
ESExposed Structure (architecture)
ESEnhanced Spiral (Caterpillar hose cover)
ESEscape Signal
ESExceptional Survival
ESEngrossed in Senate (bill passed and formally typed)
ESExtension Segment
ESEdge of Shoulder (roadway term)
ESExperts Society
ESExpress Swap
ESEther Ships (Xenosaga game)
ESExploratory Shaft
ESExternal Subscriber
ESEthylene-Propylene Side by Side
ESEmployment/Employee System
ESExploitation Systems Office (NIMA)
ESEnoch Systems (Texas)
ESComment Statement in Execution Stream (software fault)


  • noun

Synonyms for Es

noun a radioactive transuranic element produced by bombarding plutonium with neutrons


  • atomic number 99
  • einsteinium
  • E

Related Words

  • metal
  • metallic element




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