

单词 cbs



abbreviation for (Broadcasting) Columbia Broadcasting System


Columbia Broadcasting System (a television network).



(Cell Broadcast Service) See cell broadcast.



Abbreviation for:
capsular block syndrome
captive bubble surfactometer
carotid blowout syndrome
cerebral brain syndrome
cerebroside sulfate
Charles Bonnet syndrome
chronic brain syndrome
classic Bartter syndrome
clinical behavioural science
coherent backscattering
colloidal bismuth subcitrate
Combined Behavioral Score
common basic specification (Medspeak-UK)
common brainstem system
Community Based Services
conjugated bile salts
cord blood serum
coronary bypass surgery
corticobasal syndrome
culture-bound syndrome
Current Beneficiary Survey


CBSColumbia Broadcasting System (US radio and TV network)
CBSCBS Corporation (former stock symbol)
CBSCopenhagen Business School (Denmark)
CBSColumbus (Amtrak station code; Columbus, WI)
CBSCentral Bureau of Statistics
CBSColumbia Business School
CBSCurtin Business School (Curtin University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)
CBSCentraal Bureau Voor de Statistiek (Dutch: National Statistics Bureau)
CBSCommunity Bible Study
CBSCanadian Blood Services
CBSCircuit Breaker Switch (electronics)
CBSCounty Board of Supervisors (various locations)
CBSCore Banking Solution
CBSCenter for Biological Sequence Analysis (Denmark)
CBSConsolidated Balance Sheet
CBSCrno-Bijeli-Svijet (Croatian record company)
CBSCan't Be Stopped
CBSCommission for Basic Systems (WMO)
CBSConception Bay South (Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada)
CBSCondition Based Service (BMW)
CBSCentral Business Solutions (various locations)
CBSCharles Bonnet Syndrome (eyes)
CBSCommitted Burst Size (ATM)
CBSCenter for Brain Science (Harvard University; Boston, MA)
CBSCanadian Bible Society
CBSCongregation Beth Shalom (Oak Park, Michigan)
CBSCentraalbureau Voor Schimmelcultures (Utrecht, Netherlands)
CBSCenter for Biology and Society (Arizona State University)
CBSCorey-Bakshi-Shibata (chemical reaction)
CBSComplete Business Solutions (various locations)
CBSComputer Business System
CBSCondition Based Service
CBSCommunity Base Station
CBSCell Broadcast Service
CBSCount Block Sequence
CBSConnection Based Session
CBSCommitted Burst Size
CBSCombinated Brake System
CBSCallback Structure
CBSCystathionine Beta-Synthase
CBSCustomer Business Solutions (various organizations)
CBSCommunity Benefit Statement (Australia)
CBSConsolidated Banking Statistics
CBSCapital Bible Seminary (Lanham, MD)
CBSChemical Bulk Storage
CBSChinese and Bilingual Studies (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
CBSCommunity Building Services (various organizations)
CBSCell Broadcast Service (GSM)
CBSCertificate in Biblical Studies (various universities)
CBSChronic Brain Syndrome
CBSChristian Brothers School
CBSCollax Business Server (software)
CBSCenter for Buddhist Studies
CBSCost Breakdown Structure
CBSComponent Based Servicing (Microsoft)
CBSClose Binary System (astronomy)
CBSCentral Bureau for Statistics
CBSComprehensive Business Services (various locations)
CBSConvergent Billing Solution (software)
CBSComputer-Based System
CBSChristian Broadcasting System
CBSCenter for Bariatric Surgery (various locations)
CBSCybernetic Broadcasting System
CBSCentre for Bhutan Studies (est. 1999)
CBSCorps Battle Simulation
CBSCentral Bank of Seychelles (est. 1983; Mahé, Seychelles)
CBSCapillary Blood Sampling
CBSCellular Base Station (telecommunications)
CBSCocoa Butter Substitute
CBSCanadian Broadcast Sales (radio sales organization)
CBSCredit Bureau Systems (various locations)
CBSCollege of Business Studies
CBSCentral Bank of Syria
CBSCentral Broadcasting Station
CBSCentre de Biotechnologie de Sfax (French: Biotechnology Center of Sfax; Sfax, Tunisia)
CBSColumbia Beauty Supply (Clearwater, FL)
CBSCentre de Biochimie Structurale (French: Center for Structural Biochemistry; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
CBSCore Business Services (various locations)
CBSCircular Binary Segmentation (algorithm)
CBSCanadian Bioethics Society
CBSCheshire Building Society
CBSCanterbury Building Society
CBSCanadian Biotechnology Strategy
CBSChimie, Biologie, Santé (French: Chemistry, Biology, Health)
CBSCoherent Backscattering
CBSCurrency Board System
CBSCampus Bible Study (UNSW; Sydney, Australia)
CBSCOTS-Based System
CBSCollege of Biological Science
CBSCaledonian Business School (Glasgow, UK)
CBSCampus Bus Service
CBSCoarse Breath Sounds
CBSConcrete Block and Stucco
CBSComprehensive Banking System (Fiserv, Inc)
CBSConfraternity of the Blessed Sacrament
CBSCancer-Bio-Santé (French: Cancer-Bio-Health; Toulouse, France)
CBSCommerce Business Systems
CBSConstant Bandwidth Server
CBSConnecticut Botanical Society
CBSCentral Bus Stand (India)
CBSCorporate Brand Services (Melbourne Information Technology Group; various locations)
CBSCrossbar Switching
CBSCaramel Au Beurre Salé (French: Salted Butter Caramel)
CBSCertified Business Solutions
CBSCertified Banyan Specialist
CBSCenter for Baptist Studies
CBSCore Business System
CBSCustom Battle System (gaming)
CBSCanadian Baptist Seminary
CBSChristlicher Business Service (Bochum, Germany)
CBSCinder Block Structure (construction)
CBSCentralne Biuro Sledcze
CBSCommon Base Station (PMR term for shared repeater)
CBSCoordinated Beam Switching (wireless communications)
CBSCaloosahatchee Bromeliad Society
CBSCaregiver Burden Screen (gerontology)
CBSHomocystinuria/Cystathionine Beta-Synthase Deficiency
CBSCross Bar Switch
CBSCroc Blanc Surveillance (French: White Fang Surveillance)
CBSCopper and Brass Sales, Inc. (Cleveland, Ohio)
CBSCanterbury Business School (Kent, England)
CBSCommon Battery Signaling
CBSCanadian Biochemical Society
CBSCore-Based System
CBSCross Border Sourcing
CBSCapillary Blood Sugar
CBSClan Blair Society
CBSCommunity Band South (Pittsburgh, PA)
CBSCollectivités Bureaux Services (French: Office Community Services; Aubervilliers, France)
CBSCartonnage Bretagne Service (French: Brittany Cartoning Service; La Chapelle-des-Fougeretz, France)
CBSCentralized Billing System
CBSCorps Battle Simulation System
CBSComputer Beratung Service (German computer consulting company)
CBSCoral Bay School (St. John, US Virgin Islands)
CBSConnector Bracket Signal
CBSCoordination Bâtiment Services (French: Building Services Coordination; Pierrelaye, France)
CBSCherokee Bend School (Mountain Brook, Alabama)
CBSComputerized Banking System (software)
CBSCitizens for Border Solutions
CBSClose Boundary Sentry
CBSCentral Backup Server
CBSChemical/Biological Sampling
CBSComplex Band Structure
CBSCold Beverage Station
CBSCorporate Business Server
CBSCampus-Based System (various universities)
CBSCardiff Botanical Society (California, USA)
CBSColumn Bank Select
CBSCentral Budgeting System
CBSCustomer Business System
CBSCommon Ballistic Shield
CBSCube Build Service
CBSChalfonts Beekeepers' Society (UK)
CBSCarrier Balloon System
CBSCall Box Station
CBSCorps Battlefield Simulator
CBSChronic Boredom Syndrome
CBSClark Building Services
CBSCapability Benchmarking System
CBSCorrespondence Batch Status
CBSCorrection Based Service
CBSCell Buffering Subsystem
CBSClaims Benefit Specialist
CBSConductor-Backed Slab (micro-electronics)
CBSCongregation Beth Simcha (San Antonio, TX)
CBSCiliary Body Bend (ophthalmology)
CBSCentral Channel Bank Subassembly
CBSCreative Breakdown Structure
CBSCourse Bearing Servo
CBSChaotic Binary Sequence
CBSCurrent Break Switch
CBSColorado Bridge Society
CBSCongregation Bible Study
CBSConverged Billing System (Homisco)
CBSCertified Brick Specialist (Brick Industry Association)
CBSCommon Boresight System
CBSCarbonate-Buffered Saline
CBSChurch in a Box Solutions (Portable Church Industries; Troy, MI)




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