cochlear drill-out

cochlear drill-out

a maneuver for implantation of electrodes in a cochlea in which the lumen of the scala tympani has been obliterated by the deposition of new bone as a result of the inflammatory process in labyrinthitis; the cochlear wall and new bone are drilled away so that the electrodes can be placed close to the remaining neurons of the auditory division of the 8th cranial nerve.

coch·le·ar drill-out

(kok'lē-ăr dril'owt) Implantation of electrodes in a cochlea in which the lumen of the scala tympani has been obliterated by the deposition of new bone due to the inflammatory process in labyrinthitis; the cochlear wall and new bone are drilled away so that the electrodes can be placed close to the remaining neurons of the auditory division of the vestibulo cochlear.