cochlear branch of vestibulocochlear artery

cochlear branch of vestibulocochlear artery

[TA] terminal branch (with posterior vestibular branch) of vestibulocochlear artery; it anatomoses with a branch of the common cochlear artery forming the spiral modiolar artery; the cochlear branch specifically supplies the spiral ganglion and cochlear duct of the basal turn of the cochlea. Synonym(s): ramus cochlearis arteriae vestibulocochlearis [TA], cochlear branch of labyrinthine artery, ramus cochlearis arteriae labyrinthi

coch·le·ar branch of ves·tib·u·lo·coch·le·ar ar·te·ry

(koklē-ăr branch ves-tibyū-lō-koklē-ăr ahrtĕr-ē) [TA] Terminal branch of vestibulocochlear artery.