释义 |
falcula (ˈfælkjʊlə) n, pl -lae (-liː) (Zoology) zoology a sharp curved claw, esp of a bird ˈfalculate adjfalcula
falx ce·re·bel·'li [TA] a short process of dura mater projecting forward from the internal occipital crest below the tentorium; it occupies the posterior cerebellar notch and the vallecula, and bifurcates below into two diverging limbs passing to either side of the foramen magnum. Synonym(s): cerebellar falx ☆ , falculafal·cu·la (făl′kyə-lə)n. See falx cerebelli.falx ce·re·bel·li (fawlks serĕ-belī) [TA] A short process of dura mater projecting forward from the internal occipital crest below the tentorium; it occupies the posterior cerebellar notch and the vallecula, and bifurcates below into two diverging limbs passing to either side of the foramen magnum. Synonym(s): falcula. |