Fair Haven Beach State Park
Fair Haven Beach State Park
Location:On Lake Ontario, southwest of Oswego on Route 104A, 2 miles north of Fairhaven.
Facilities:Campsites (é), showers (é), cabins (@di; 8 are winterized),vacation rental cottages, picnic areas (é), picnic pavilions (é),playground, playing field(s), food, trails, beach, marina, dockage,boat launch, boat rentals (rowboats, paddleboats, canoes), scenic views.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, hiking, biking, cross-countryskiing, snowshoeing, sledding, ice skating, snowmobiling, ice fishing,recreation programs, waterfowl hunting in season (designated areasonly).
Special Features:Park contains one of the finest public lakefronts in upstate New York,with high bluffs above sandy beaches and hilly woodlands. Thecampgrounds were ranked among the top 100 in the US in 2004.
Address:Rt 104A, PO Box 16
Fair Haven, NY 13064
Web: nysparks.state.ny.us/parks/info.asp?parkId=34
Size: 1,121 acres.
See other parks in New York.