Acronym | Definition |
EDI➣Electronic Data Interchange |
EDI➣Electron Drift Instrument (Cluster spacecraft) |
EDI➣Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern |
EDI➣Electronic Document Interchange |
EDI➣Electronic Data Interface |
EDI➣Economic Development Institute (Washington, DC) |
EDI➣Eating Disorder Inventory |
EDI➣Enterprise Data Integration |
EDI➣Economic Development Initiative |
EDI➣Electronic Data Information |
EDI➣Enterprise Development Initiative (various locations) |
EDI➣Electrodeionization (removal of ionized salts from water using electricity) |
EDI➣Environnement de Développement Intégré (French: Integrated Development Environment) |
EDI➣Equality, Diversity and Inclusion |
EDI➣Echange de Données Informatisées (French: Electronic Data Interchange) |
EDI➣Early Detection and Intervention |
EDI➣Enhanced Defense Intelligence (Mass Effect; video game) |
EDI➣External Data Interface |
EDI➣Electronic Dealer Information |
EDI➣Enhanced Device Interface |
EDI➣External Display Interface |
EDI➣Electrical Design and Installation (various companies) |
EDI➣Education Development International (UK) |
EDI➣Essentiel de la Distribution Informatique (French: Essentials of Computer Distribution; magazine) |
EDI➣Extreme Deep Invader (fictional/movie aircraft) |
EDI➣Electronic Document Imaging |
EDI➣Ethereal Darkness Interactive (game) |
EDI➣Éditions et Diffusions Internationales (French: Publishing and Broadcast International) |
EDI➣Édition, Diffusion, Information (French: Publishing, Broadcasting, Dissemination) |
EDI➣Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom - Turnhouse (Airport Code) |
EDI➣Enterprise Development International |
EDI➣Executive Director, Inc. (Milwaukee, WI) |
EDI➣Expertises et Diagnostics en Immobilier (French: Diagnostics and Expertise in Real Estate) |
EDI➣Extended Destination Index (register in x86 processors) |
EDI➣Electronic Discharge Instruction (medical discharge) |
EDI➣Edge-Directed Interpolation (image processing) |
EDI➣Electro Diesel Ireland |
EDI➣European Drug Index |
EDI➣ESQ Development Institute |
EDI➣Engineering, Design, and Inspection |
EDI➣Evaluate, Develop, Implement |
EDI➣Employee Development Inventory |
EDI➣Explain, Demonstrate, Imitate |
EDI➣European Defense Identity |
EDI➣ESSEC (École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales) Développement International (French: Superior School of Economic Science and Business International Development) |
EDI➣Environmental Developers, Inc. |