

单词 cip



(1) (Common Isochronous Packet) The packet format used in time-based (real-time) FireWire transmission. See FireWire, IEC 61883 and mLAN.

(2) (Common Industrial Protocol) A high-level protocol used for control networks that provides an object model for services at layer 7 of the OSI model. DeviceNet, Ethernet/IP, ControlNet, CIP Sync and CIP Safety are examples of control networks that use CIP.

cast-iron pipe, cast-iron soil pipe

A pipe fabricated of an iron alloy containing carbon and silicon; usually lined with cement or coal-tar enamel and coated externally with one of a variety of materials to reduce corrosion by soils; known technically as gray cast-iron pipe.



Abbreviation for:
Certified IRB Professional
Cost Improvement Plan (Medspeak-UK)
Cost Improvement Programme (Medspeak-UK)

congenital insensitivity to pain



A rare defect in perception of pain in which children are born with an inherited sensory and autonomic neuropathy and a markedly reduced ability to perceive painful experiences, e.g., bone and joint injuries, lacerations, and abrasions.


(pol?e-noo-rop'a-the) [ poly- + neuropathy] Any disease that affects multiple peripheral nerves.

acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy

Guillain-Barré syndrome.

acute inflammatory polyneuropathy

Guillain-Barré syndrome.

amyloid polyneuropathy

Polyneuropathy characterized by deposition of amyloid in nerves.

chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy

Abbreviation: CIDP
A gradually progressing autoimmune muscle weakness in arms and legs caused by inflammation of the myelin sheath covering peripheral nerve axons. Demyelination slows or blocks conduction of impulses to muscles. Numbness and paresthesia may accompany or precede loss of motor function, which varies from mild to severe. Laboratory findings include elevated protein levels in the cerebrospinal fluid. The inflammatory damage involves not only phagocytes (neutrophils and macrophages), but also immune complexes and complement activation by myelin autoantigens. Immunosuppressive drugs are used to treat this illness. Plasma exchange therapy or infusions of immunoglobulins often are used first, to produce a remission. CIDP is considered to be a chronic counterpart to Guillain-Barré syndrome.

critical illness polyneuropathy

Abbreviation: CIP
A complication occurring in patients in intensive care in which failure to wean from mechanical ventilation is associated with distal limb weakness, loss of distal sensation from light touch or pinprick, and diminished reflexes; facial muscles and nerves are spared. Recovery typically occurs several weeks or months after resolution of the underlying disease. It is associated with the use of drugs, such as corticosteroids or paralytic agents, and neurological illnesses, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome.

diabetic polyneuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy.

familial amyloiditic polyneuropathy

An inherited form of amyloid polyneuropathy in which abnormal forms of transthyretin are deposited in nerves and brain tissue, making multiple nerves malfunction.

paraproteinemic polyneuropathy

Polyneuropathy due to excessive levels of immunoglobulin in the blood. The most commonly implicated immunoglobulins are IgM and IgG.

porphyric polyneuropathy

Polyneuropathy due to acute porphyria, characterized by pains and paresthesias in the extremities and by flaccid paralysis.

progressive hypertrophic polyneuropathy

Déjérine-Sottas disease.

critical illness polyneuropathy

Abbreviation: CIP
A complication occurring in patients in intensive care in which failure to wean from mechanical ventilation is associated with distal limb weakness, loss of distal sensation from light touch or pinprick, and diminished reflexes; facial muscles and nerves are spared. Recovery typically occurs several weeks or months after resolution of the underlying disease. It is associated with the use of drugs, such as corticosteroids or paralytic agents, and neurological illnesses, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome. See also: polyneuropathy


CIPCapital Improvement Plan
CIPChartered Insurance Professional
CIPClassification of Instructional Programs
CIPCapital Improvement Program
CIPCritical Infrastructure Protection
CIPCenter for International Policy (Washington, DC, USA)
CIPCanadian Institute of Planners (Urban Planners Professional Association)
CIPCOTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) Improvement Program
CIPChristians in Politics
CIPCustomer Identification Program
CIPCenter in the Park (Philadelphia, PA; est. 1968)
CIPCommunities in Partnership (various locations)
CIPCataloging In Publication
CIPCenter for International Programs (New Mexico State University)
CIPCompetitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (EU)
CIPCommon Indexing Protocol
CIPCulinary Institute of the Pacific (Hawaii)
CIPChildren in Poverty (various organizations)
CIPCertified Information Professional
CIPCentro Internacional de la Papa (Peru)
CIPCarrier Identification Parameter (ATMF)
CIPCured-in-Place (pipes)
CIPColor Image Processing
CIPConseiller d'Insertion et de Probation (French probation counselor)
CIPCenter for Information Processing (various schools)
CIPChemotherapy-Induced Pain (cancer)
CIPConsumer and Industrial Product (sector)
CIPCommunity Involvement Plan
CIPCarriage and Insurance Paid to (shipping)
CIPCongenital Insensitivity to Pain (rare condition)
CIPContinuation In Part
CIPCase In Point
CIPContinuous Improvement Process
CIPCouncil of Indigenous Peoples (Taiwan)
CIPCourt Improvement Project
CIPCampbell Industrial Park (Hawaii)
CIPComitato Italiano Paralimpico (Italian: Italian Paralympic Committee)
CIPCommon Industrial Protocol (ODVA)
CIPConstruction In Progress
CIPCochlear Implant Program (hearing)
CIPComputer Integrated Processors
CIPCommon Image Processor
CIPCommunication Inter Process
CIPCommon Industrial Protocol
CIPComponent Independent Palette
CIPCommon Isdn Access Profile
CIPCentral Integrated Processor
CIPCustomer Initiated Payment
CIPCatalogue Interoperability Protocol
CIPCost Insurrance Paid
CIPConstant Differential Injector Pressure
CIPCarrier Identification Parameter
CIPCost Insurance Paid
CIPChannel Interface Processor
CIPCellular Ip
CIPCrypto Ignition Plug
CIPComputer Aided Intuition Guided Programming
CIPCommit in Progress
CIPCommunication Interface Port
CIPCommerce Interchange Pipeline
CIPContinual Improvement Program (software)
CIPCovered Interest Parity (International finance)
CIPChipley (Amtrak station code; Chipley, FL)
CIPCity of Piedmont (Piedmont, CA)
CIPChannel Interface Processor (Cisco)
CIPCertified IRB Professional
CIPConservation Incentive Program (various locations)
CIPCapital Investment Plan
CIPClarke Institute of Psychiatry (Canada)
CIPCapital Investment Program
CIPCalf Intestinal Phosphatase (alkaline phosphatase)
CIPCast Iron Pipe
CIPChannel Improvement Project (various locations)
CIPCold Isostatic Pressing
CIPCentre d'Innovation Pédagogique (French: Center for Educational Innovation)
CIPCareer Intern Program
CIPCentre International de Plongée (French: International Diving Center)
CIPConservation Improvement Plan (utility requirment; Minnesota)
CIPCurrent Icing Potential (algorithm)
CIPCheeseburger in Paradise
CIPControlled Insurance Program
CIPComputers in Physics
CIPCritical Infrastructure Program
CIPControl and Information Protocol
CIPColusa Industrial Properties (Colusa, CA)
CIPCritical Illness Polyneuropathy
CIPClub Inter Pharmaceutique (French pharmacy association)
CIPCDK-Interacting Protein
CIPChange Implementation Plan
CIPCustomized Installation Package
CIPCertified Internet Professional
CIPCollection de l'Institut Pasteur (French: Collection of Pasteur's Institute)
CIPCommon Integrated Processor
CIPCurrent-in-Plane (geometry)
CIPCentre d'Information du Public (French: Public Information Center)
CIPCustomer Information Program (Citibank)
CIPCommercially Important Person
CIPCommunity Investment Process (United Way)
CIPCustoms Information Papers (trade)
CIPCivilian Investigative Panel (Miami, FL)
CIPCenter for Islamic Pluralism (Washington, DC)
CIPCoating Inspector Program
CIPCounty Information Project (Texas)
CIPCitizen Information Project (UK)
CIPCraig's Interpolation Property (mathematics)
CIPConstrained Interpolation Profile (numerical method)
CIPCommand Inspection Program
CIPComponent Improvement Program
CIPCommon Imagery Processor
CIPCalifornia Innocence Project (law school program)
CIPCarbonyl Iron Powder
CIPClub Italiano Panhard (Italian automobile club)
CIPCustomer Identification Procedure
CIPCustomer Installable Parts
CIPCross Island Parkway (Queens NY)
CIPCommunity Initiative Program
CIPColor Inkjet Printer
CIPCommon Isochronous Packet
CIPCommand Interface Port
CIPCensus of Industrial Production
CIPCentre d'Information sur la Prévention des Difficultés des Entreprises (French: Information Center on the Prevention of Problems of Enterprises)
CIPCommission Internationale Permanente (ammunition standard)
CIPConvergent Intelligence Platform (crime mapping)
CIPCurrent Instructional Practices (education)
CIPCenter for Independent Publishing
CIPCombat Identification Panel
CIPCommunity Internship Programme (New Zealand)
CIPCommercial Important Person
CIPCustomer Initiated Payment (Web-based retail)
CIPCompliance Improvement Plan (US Customs)
CIPCommon Installation Picture
CIPCustomer-Initiated Payment
CIPCardiac Injury Panel
CIPComputer Integrated Processing
CIPCook Islands People's Party
CIPConnector Interface Panel
CIPCommunity Indicator Project (various locations)
CIPCommercial Important Passenger (air travel)
CIPCustomer Incentive Program
CIPCompliance Initiative Project
CIPCentre International de Pilotage (French: International Steering Center; motorcycle training)
CIPCorporate Incentive Program
CIPCommercial Import Program
CIPComputed Impact Point
CIPCommon Intelligence Picture
CIPCaudal Intraparietal
CIPCivic Involvement Projects (Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey)
CIPCentre d'Ingénierie Pédagogique (French: Engineering Teaching Center)
CIPClark Internet Publishing
CIPCommunications Interface Processor
CIPCatalogue Item Publication
CIPCombat Information Processor
CIPCome In Please (radio)
CIPCrypto-Ignition Plug
CIPCompressor Inlet Pressure
CIPCombined Interoperability Program
CIPCritical Intelligence Parameter
CIPCustomer Interface Panel (DSC)
CIPCinémas Indépendants Parisiens (French: Paris Independent Cinemas; est. 1992; Paris, France)
CIPCompacted in Place
CIPChristians in Parliament (UK)
CIPCapital Investment Proposal(s)
CIPCommand Information Program
CIPCustomer Interaction Platform
CIPCentre Immobilier du Poitou (French real estate company)
CIPCustomer Integration Panel
CIPConcept Industriel des Plastiques (French industrial plastics company)
CIPClient Interest Program
CIPContraband Interdiction Program (Florida)
CIPCounter Intelligence Program
CIPChad in Portland (radio personality; Oregon)
CIPCommunication Improvement Program
CIPCorrugated Iron Pipe
CIPCentre for International Poverty Research (University of Bergen; Norway)
CIPConstruction Inspection Procedure
CIPClass Improvement Plan
CIPCoordinated Instrument Package
CIPClothing Issue Point
CIPConsolidated Intelligence Program
CIPCentre for International Peacebuilding
CIPChannel Identification Plan (cable television)
CIPCost Improvement Project
CIPContract Into Plane
CIPCongreso de Investigación Politécnica
CIPCellular Internet Protocol
CIPCINC Interoperability Program Office
CIPConsolidated Imagery Program
CIPClub Informatique Paca (French computer club)
CIPCore Investment Program
CIPCommunications Implementation Plan
CIPCertificate of Inspection and Possession (property regulation)
CIPCivic Internet Portal
CIPCommunications Improvement Plan
CIPConvergencia Indígena Popular (Spanish: Indigenous People's Convergence)
CIPCustomer Invoice Processing
CIPCapital Investment Panel
CIPCoast-In Point
CIPClassical Internet Protocol Over ATM
CIPComponent-Independent Palette
CIPCritical Item Program
CIPChef d'Incident Principal
CIPCommands In Progress
CIPContract Improvement Program
CIPCustomer Information Package
CIPCollision Intervention Processor
CIPCultural Initiatives Programme (Department of Canadian Heritage)
CIPClass Improvement Program
CIPCandidate Interoperability Plan
CIPCluster Intercept Parameter
CIPCommon Improvement Program
CIPCurrent Intelligence Picture
CIPCOMSEC Interface Processor
CIPConfiguration Interaction with Partner Orbitals
CIPCenter for Interactive Programs (University of Wisconsin)
CIPCommunication Invoice Process
CIPCommander's Involvement Program
CIPConsumer Identity Protection
CIPCommanders Information Program
CIPCompagnia Italiana Petroli (Fidenza, Italy defunct chemical company)
CIPComponent Installation Procedure
CIPComponent Improvement Plan
CIPConcrete Insulated Panel
CIPCapability Improvement Program
CIPComputer Information and Planning, Inc. (Jacksonville, FL; est. 1982)




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