Acronym | Definition |
FIPC➣Festival International de la Photographie Culinaire (French: International Festival of Culinary Photography) |
FIPC➣Foreign Investment Promotion Center (Russia) |
FIPC➣Foreign Investment Promotion Council (India) |
FIPC➣Federal Investigations Processing Center (security clearances, Office of Personnel Management) |
FIPC➣French Intellectual Property Code |
FIPC➣Fédération Internationale des Pharmaciens Catholiques (French: International Federation of Catholic Pharmacists) |
FIPC➣Forest Independent Primary Collegiate (UK) |
FIPC➣Fédération Interamicale des Pronostiqueurs Cyclistes (French cycling federation) |
FIPC➣Financial Information Processing Center |
FIPC➣Foederatio Internationalis Pueri Cantores (International Federation of Pueri Cantores) |
FIPC➣Foreign Intelligence Priorities Committee |
FIPC➣Fuel Injection Pump Controller |
FIPC➣Fellow of the Institute of Production Control (UK) |
FIPC➣Fast Interprocess Communication (Cisco) |