Loess-Like Deposits
Loess-Like Deposits
sedimentary deposits externally similar to loess and in terms of composition classified as loams and sandy loams.
Loess-like deposits differ from loess by the presence of bedding and intercalations of shingle, a more argillaceous composition, and the presence of the shells of freshwater mollusks. Loess-like deposits often occur in the form of small intercalations in alluvial gravel beds. The deposits are found in various landscape zones. In the central and northern parts of the East European Plain they are known as cover loams. Loess-like deposits can have a varying genesis: they can be eolian deposits, alluvium, drift beds, and eluvium. Loess-like deposits and loess are combined together under the name loess rock. Some researchers do not separate loess-like deposits from loess and do not use the concept loess rock. Loess-like deposits, like loess, sometimes exhibit subsidence properties.