Balmorhea State Park

Balmorhea State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Texas
Location:In the foothills of the Davis Mountains southwest of Balmorhea in the midwestern portion of the state.
Facilities:Campsites with water and electrical hookups, tent camping, showers, restrooms, motel, picnic areas, food concession, swimming pool, bathhouse, recreation hall, playground.
Activities:Camping, swimming, scuba diving, snorkeling.
Special Features:The waters of San Solomon Springs form the world's largest spring-fed swimming pool. With a capacity of more than 3.5 million gallons, the pool offers a unique setting for divers to observe the variety of aquatic life found in its clear waters.
Address:PO Box 15
Toyahvale, TX 79786

Size: 46 acres.

See other parks in Texas.