China Camp State Park
China Camp State Park
Location:4 miles east of San Rafael, off US 101 on North San Pedro Road.
Facilities:30 walk-in tent campsites, showers, restrooms, 25 developed picnicsites and a group picnic area, hiking trails (15 miles), horsebacktrails, bike trails, visitor center, exhibits, foodservice (é).
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, boating (small boats only), water-skiing,windsurfing, bicycling, horseback riding, wildlife viewing, guided tours.
Special Features:Park includes the historic remains of Chinese immigrants' shrimpfishing village from the 1880s. The property is a natural watershed alongthe shores of San Francisco Bay with an extensive inter-tidalecosystem, as well as salt marsh, meadow, and oak wood habitats whichsupport a wide variety of wildlife. The area has some of the bestweather in the San Francisco Bay area, with an average of more than 200fog-free days per year.
Address:c/o North Bay District Office
PO Box 123
Duncan Mills, CA 95430
Size: 1,514 acres.
See other parks in California.