food hypersensitivity reaction
food hypersensitivity reaction
food hy·per·sen·si·tiv·i·ty re·ac·tion
fūd hī'pĕr-sen-si-tiv'i-tē rē-ak'shŭn
A disorder or disease process resulting from ingestion of a foodstuff that the patient is more or less unable to tolerate (e.g., suffocation, urticaria, nausea and vomiting).
under the spell of him
under the spell of me
under the spell of one
under the spell of (someone)
under the spell of them
under the spell of us
under the spell of you
under the spotlight
under the sun
under the table
under the table and dreaming
under the (watchful) eye of
under the watchful eye of
under the weather
under the wiccan moon
under the wind
under the wing of
under the wing of someone/something
under the wing of (something)
under the wing of something
under the wire
under the yoke
under the yolk
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