

单词 ria



abbr. radioimmunoassay


(ˈriːə) n (Physical Geography) a long narrow inlet of the seacoast, being a former valley that was submerged by a rise in the level of the sea. Rias are found esp on the coasts of SW Ireland and NW Spain[C19: from Spanish, from rio river]


abbreviation for (Education) Royal Irish Academy


A drowned river valley, forming a long, narrow, funnelshaped inlet at right angles to the sea.



[′rē·ə] (geography) Any broad, estuarine river mouth. A long, narrow coastal inlet, except a fjord, whose depth and width gradually and uniformly diminish inland.


(1) (Rich Internet Application) An application that approaches the speed and elegance of a locally installed application. An RIA typically refers to an app that uses the Web browser to run embedded scripts within Web pages. However, it may also refer to a "rich client application" that interacts with the Internet in some manner but does not run from the browser (see rich client). See Silverlight, Flex and AJAX.

(2) (Regulatory Impact Analysis) See healthcare IT.



 (RIA) [ra″de-o-im″u-no-as´a] a sensitive assay method that can be used for the measurement of minute quantities of specific antibodies or any antigen, such as a hormone or drug, against which specific antibodies can be raised. An assay for a specific hormone uses antihormone antibody produced by injecting the human hormone into an animal, such as a rabbit, and hormone that has been labeled with a radioisotope. These are mixed with the assay specimen and the antigen (hormone) bound to antibody is separated from the unbound antigen by chromatography or other means. Because any hormone in the assay specimen competes with the radiolabeled hormone for antibody binding sites, the amount of hormone in the specimen is inversely proportional to the radioactivity of the bound fraction or directly proportional to the activity of the free fraction. This is the standard method for clinical laboratory measurements of hormones and is also used for therapeutic drug monitoring, drug abuse screening, and other laboratory tests.


Abbreviation for radioimmunoassay.


abbr. radioimmunoassay


Abbreviation for radioimmunoassay.
FinancialSeeRegistered investment adviser


RIARegulatory Impact Assessment
RIARock Island Arsenal (US Army)
RIARegulatory Impact Analysis
RIARialto (Amtrak station code; Rialto, CA)
RIARights in Action (various organizations)
RIAResearch in Action
RIARegistered Investment Advisor
RIARich Internet Application
RIARoyal Irish Academy
RIAResearch and Innovation Actions (Horizon 2020; EU)
RIARadiation Induced Attenuation (optical fibers)
RIARich Internet Applications
RIARelay Interface Adapter
RIARevue d'Intelligence Artificielle (French: Journal of Artificial Intelligence)
RIARussian Information Agency
RIAResearch Institute on Addictions
RIARottnest Island Authority (Australia)
RIAResearch Institute of America (tax research firm)
RIARare Isotope Accelerator
RIARobotics Industries Association
RIARisk Impact Assessment
RIARailway Industry Association (UK)
RIARegional Integration Arrangement (various organizations)
RIAReactivity-Initiated Accident
RIARadiosonde Initial Analysis
RIAResearch Initiation Award
RIARevue de l'Industrie Agroalimentaire (French: Journal of the Food Industry)
RIARadioiodine Ablation
RIARelated Instructor Activity (US Navy)
RIAReactivity Insertion Accident
RIARégiment d'Infanterie Alpine (French: Alpine Infantry Regiment)
RIARich International Airways (Miami, Florida)
RIARegional Internet Australia
RIARapid Impact Assessment
RIARunway Independent Aircraft
RIARemote Internet Access
RIARegistered Industrial Accountant (Canada)
RIARelativistic Impulse Approximation
RIARandom Insanity Alliance (gaming clan; Cyber Nations)
RIARevolution in Intelligence Affairs
RIARegional Inuit Association (Canada)
RIARobinets d'Incendie Armé (French fire extinguisher)
RIARight Iliac Artery
RIARosettanet Integration Architecture
RIAResource Impact Assessment
RIARange Insensitive Axis
RIARack Interface Agreement
RIARecommended Improvement Area
RIARegional Incentive Agreement (Government pricing agreement term)
RIARheumatology, Immunology and Allergy Division (various locations)
RIARéseau Incendie Armée
RIARéunions Internationales d'Architectes (French: International Meetings of Architects)
RIAReserve Intelligence Unit
RIARoofing Installation Application
RIAReprogramming Interface Assembly




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