释义 |
DictionarySeeKarl WernickeWernicke reaction
Wer·nic·ke re·ac·tion (vern'ik-ĕ), in hemianopia, a reaction due to damage of the optic tract, consisting in loss of pupillary constriction when the light is directed to the blind side of the retina; pupillary constriction is maintained when light stimulates the normal side. This sign cannot be seen with a bright light because of intraocular scatter onto the seeing half of the retina. Synonym(s): Wernicke signWer·nic·ke re·ac·tion (ver'ni-kĕ rē-ak'shŭn) In hemianopia, a reaction due to damage of the optic tract, consisting of loss of pupillary constriction when the light is directed to the blind side of the retina; pupillary constriction is maintained when light stimulates the normal side. This sign cannot be seen with a bright light because of intraocular scatter onto the seeing half of the retina. Wernicke, Karl, German neurologist, 1848-1905. Gayet-Wernicke syndrome - Synonym(s): Wernicke syndromeWernicke aphasia - impairment in the comprehension of spoken and written words. Synonym(s): Bastian aphasia; sensory aphasiaWernicke area - Synonym(s): Wernicke centerWernicke center - the region of the cerebral cortex thought to be essential for understanding and formulating coherent, propositional speech. Synonym(s): sensory speech center; Wernicke area; Wernicke field; Wernicke region; Wernicke zoneWernicke cramp - psychogenic muscle cramp. Synonym(s): cramp neurosisWernicke disease - Synonym(s): Wernicke syndromeWernicke encephalopathy - Synonym(s): Wernicke syndromeWernicke field - Synonym(s): Wernicke centerWernicke radiation - the massive, fanlike fiber system passing from the lateral geniculate body of the thalamus to the visual cortex. Synonym(s): optic radiationWernicke reaction - in hemianopia, a reaction due to damage of the optic tract, consisting in loss of pupillary constriction when the light is directed to the blind side of the retina. Synonym(s): Wernicke signWernicke region - Synonym(s): Wernicke centerWernicke sign - Synonym(s): Wernicke reactionWernicke syndrome - a condition encountered in chronic alcoholics, characterized by disturbances in ocular motility, pupillary alterations, nystagmus, and ataxia with tremors. Synonym(s): Gayet disease; Gayet-Wernicke syndrome; superior hemorrhagic polioencephalitis; Wernicke disease; Wernicke encephalopathyWernicke zone - Synonym(s): Wernicke centerWernicke-Korsakoff encephalopathyWernicke-Korsakoff syndrome - the coexistence of Wernicke and Korsakoff syndromes.Wernicke-Mann hemiplegia - extremity hemiplegia that is partial. Synonym(s): Wernicke-Mann paralysisWernicke-Mann paralysis - Synonym(s): Wernicke-Mann hemiplegia |