QIPP programme

QIPP programme

Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention programme. A UK Department of Health (DH) large-scale transformational programme involving NHS staff, clinicians, patients and the voluntary sector to improve the quality of NHS care while achieving budgetary savings to be reinvested in frontline care.
QIPP engages vast amounts of NHS staff to lead and support change. At a regional and local level, strategic health authorities have been developing integrated QIPP plans to address the quality and productivity challenge (QPC) supported by national QIPP workstreams, which are producing tools and programmes to help local change leaders help the NHS achieve the lofty QPC challenge. Some deal broadly with care commissioning (e.g., for long-term conditions); others ensure that patients get the right care at the right time; still others deal with organisational workflow, supporting NHS bodies in improving staff productivity, as well as non-clinical and clinical (e.g., medicines) procurement.