Rubeola Scarlatinosa

Rubeola Scarlatinosa


Filatov-Dukes disease, an acute infectious disease of children (predominantly young children) that resembles in its manifestations a light form of scarlet fever (insignificant elevation of body temperature, red throat, and a weakly expressed micromacular rash). It was first described in 1885 by N. F. Filatov, and somewhat later by the English physician C. Dukes, who called it the fourth disease (as distinguished from the three known children’s infections that occur with a rash—scarlet fever, measles, and rubella).

Contemporary medicine has not settled the question of the existence of rubeola scarlatinosa as an independent disease. In practice, it is impossible to differentiate between rubeola scarlatinosa and a mild form of scarlet fever; therefore, when there is any suspicion of scarlet fever the child must be isolated and antiepidemic measures must be taken.


Filatov, N. F. “Epidemicheskaia krasnukha.” In his book Lektsii ob ostrykh infektsionnykh bolezniakh u detei. Moscow, 1908.