释义 |
acai (ah-sah-ee) acai, acai berry (trade name), acai extract (trade name), acai fruit (trade name), amazon acai (trade name), cabbage palm (trade name) Classification Therapeutic: lipid lowering agents Hypercholesterolemi.Osteoarthritis, erectile dysfunction, weight loss and obesity, detoxification, aging skin, and metabolic syndrome.ActionIn vitro, acai pulp and skin powder has potent antioxidant activity against superoxide and peroxyl radical. It also inhibits cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and COX-2 in vitro.Therapeutic effectsReduced total cholesterol levels.PharmacokineticsAbsorption: Unknown.Distribution: Unknown.Metabolism and Excretion: Unknown.Half-life: Unknown.Time/action profile ROUTE | ONSET | PEAK | DURATION |
unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
Contraindications/PrecautionsContraindicated in: No known contraindications.Use Cautiously in: Pregnancy.Adverse Reactions/Side EffectsMiscellaneousInteractionsNone reported.None reported.Oral (Adults) 100 g acai pulp twice daily for metabolic syndrome.AvailabilityAcai Smoothie Pack: 100 g acai pulp Nursing implicationsNursing assessment- Assess areas relevant to rationale for taking acai.
Potential Nursing DiagnosesDeficient knowledge, related to medication regimen (Patient/Family Teaching)
Implementation- As a food, the acai berry is eaten raw and as a juice. The juice is also used commercially as a beverage and in ice cream, jelly, and liqueurs.
Patient/Family Teaching- Discuss with patient purpose for taking acai.
- Advise patient to notify health care professional of all Rx or OTC medications, vitamins, or herbal products being taken and to consult with health care professional before taking other medications.
- Advise female patient to notify health care professional if pregnancy is planned or suspected or if breastfeeding.
Evaluation/Desired Outcomes- Decrease in cholesterol.
- Evaluate based on rationale for taking acai.
Acronym | Definition |
ACAI➣Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence (European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence) | ACAI➣Associazione Cristiana Artigiani Italiani (Italian: Italian Christian Artisans Association) | ACAI➣American College of Allergy and Immunology | ACAI➣As Cold As Ice (gaming clan) | ACAI➣Associazione Calabrese Archeologia Industriale (Italian: Calabrese Industrial Archeology Association; Calabria, Italy) | ACAI➣Associacio Catalana d'Intelligencia Artificial (Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence) | ThesaurusSeecabbage palm |