Acronym | Definition |
SIA➣Security Industry Association |
SIA➣Semiconductor Industry Association |
SIA➣Securities Industry Association (merged into Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association) |
SIA➣Security Industry Authority (UK) |
SIA➣Sistemi Informativi Aziendali (Italian: Business Information Systems, Ltd.) |
SIA➣Smithsonian Institution Archives (est. 1846) |
SIA➣Services to Improve Access (Ministry of Health; New Zealand) |
SIA➣Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc. (Lafayette, IN) |
SIA➣Stable Isotope Analysis (biology) |
SIA➣Senior Internal Auditor (accounting; various companies) |
SIA➣Sustainability Impact Assessment (trade) |
SIA➣Société des Ingénieurs de l'Automobile (French: Society of Automotive Engineers) |
SIA➣Seoul Institute of the Arts (Seoul, South Korea) |
SIA➣Salon International de l'Agriculture (French: International Exhibition of Agriculture) |
SIA➣Social Impact Assessment |
SIA➣Servicios de Información y Asesoría (Spanish: Information and Advisory Services; Guatemala) |
SIA➣Scaffold Industry Association |
SIA➣Social Insurance Agency (various locations) |
SIA➣Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein |
SIA➣Singapore Institute of Architects |
SIA➣Scsi Industry Association |
SIA➣Symantec Intruder Alert |
SIA➣Subaru Isuzu Automotive |
SIA➣Starting Instruction Address |
SIA➣Subaru of Indiana Automotive |
SIA➣Semiconductor Industries Association |
SIA➣Shenyang Institute of Automation (est. 1958; China) |
SIA➣Spinal Injury Association (various locations) |
SIA➣Safety Institute of Australia |
SIA➣System Impact Assessment |
SIA➣Satellite Industry Association |
SIA➣Société Suisse des Ingénieurs et des Architectes |
SIA➣Society for Industrial Archeology |
SIA➣Sam I Am (band) |
SIA➣Security Integration Architecture |
SIA➣SOCO International Plc (UK) |
SIA➣Survivors of Incest Anonymous |
SIA➣Societa Italiana di Andrologia (Italian) |
SIA➣Summit International Awards (marketing communications industry) |
SIA➣Service de l'Information Aéronautique (French: Aeronautical Information Service; General Directorate of Civil Aviation; France) |
SIA➣Professional Ski Instructors Association of Japan |
SIA➣Stuck in Active (Refers to DUAL-3-SIA error message of EIGRP) |
SIA➣Securities Institute of America |
SIA➣Solutions for Intelligence Analysis (various organizations) |
SIA➣Singapore International Airlines (ICAO code) |
SIA➣Servizio Informazioni Aeronautiche (Italian: Air Intelligence Service) |
SIA➣Subject Information Access |
SIA➣Sorry in Advance |
SIA➣Spokane International Airport |
SIA➣Società Interbancaria per l'automazione (Interbank Association for Automation) |
SIA➣Shareware Industry Awards |
SIA➣Sport Industry Awards (UK) |
SIA➣Sequential Injection Analysis |
SIA➣Saitama International Association (Japan) |
SIA➣Statistical Image Analysis (mathematics) |
SIA➣Staffing Industry Analysts, Inc. (Los Altos, California) |
SIA➣Supplementary Immunization Activities |
SIA➣Schools Insurance Authority (Sacramento, CA) |
SIA➣Students in Action |
SIA➣Swiss Insurance Association |
SIA➣Simplex Investment Advisors (Japan) |
SIA➣Società Italiana di Artroscopia |
SIA➣Special Interest Alien |
SIA➣Sorry I Asked (chat) |
SIA➣Sugar Industry Authority (Jamaica) |
SIA➣Ski Industries America |
SIA➣Società Italiana di Arboricoltura |
SIA➣Spaceweek International Association |
SIA➣Service in Information & Analysis Limited (London, UK) |
SIA➣Solvents Industry Association (London, UK) |
SIA➣Sabiedriba ar Ierobezotu Atbildibu (Latvian: Limited Liability Company) |
SIA➣Serial Interface Adaptor |
SIA➣Safety Institute of America (Lexington, SC) |
SIA➣Syrian Investment Agency |
SIA➣Singapore International Airport |
SIA➣Structural Inventory & Appraisal (engineering; various locations) |
SIA➣Session Initiation Application |
SIA➣Stable Implementation Agreements (Bellcore) |
SIA➣Sistema de Información Aduanero (Spanish: Customs Information System) |
SIA➣Socially Intelligent Agent |
SIA➣Sudden Ionospheric Absorption (astrophysics) |
SIA➣Standard Instrument Approach |
SIA➣Shareware Industry Association |
SIA➣Soldiers in Arms (gaming clan) |
SIA➣Starfleet Intelligence Agency (Star Trek) |
SIA➣System Interface Agreement |
SIA➣State Implementing Agency (India) |
SIA➣Salary Increase Authorization |
SIA➣Statistical Implicative Analysis |
SIA➣Storage Instantaneous Audimeter |
SIA➣Station Interface Adapter |
SIA➣Scalable Interconnect Architecture |
SIA➣Swap-In Arrears |
SIA➣Sciences et Initiatives pour l'Afrique (French: Science and Initiatives for Africa) |
SIA➣Sistema de Informação Aduaneiro (Portuguese: Customs Information System) |
SIA➣Scanner Interface Assembly |
SIA➣Swiss Industrial Abrasive |
SIA➣Screen Imagination Agency |
SIA➣Sentral Sykehuset I Akershus |
SIA➣Special Interface Adapter |
SIA➣System Interface Assembly |
SIA➣Student Initiated Assignment |
SIA➣Sociedad Argentina de Inmunologia |
SIA➣Shuttle Induced Atmosphere (US NASA) |
SIA➣Services Internetworking Architecture (Sedona) |
SIA➣Signal Indicated Alarm |
SIA➣Self Initiated Activity |
SIA➣Syra Intergalactic Arms (gaming) |
SIA➣Soroptimists International of the Americas |
SIA➣Structured Improvement Activity |
SIA➣Startegic Issues Analysis |
SIA➣Specialized Individual Assistance |
SIA➣Special Intelligence Australia |
SIA➣Supervision, Inspection and Administration (US Army) |
SIA➣Strategic Internet Alliance |
SIA➣Standardized IDRS/CFOL Access |
SIA➣Sudanese Institute of Architects |
SIA➣Strategic Integral Approach |