

单词 rsi



(medical)overuse strain injury.


(company)Research Systems, Inc..


(Repetitive Strain Injury) Ailments of the hands, neck, back and eyes due to computer use. The remedy for RSI is frequent breaks which should include stretching or yoga postures. See carpal tunnel syndrome, Maltron keyboard, wrist rest, Nintendo thumb, iPod finger and repetitive brain injury.



abbr. repetitive strain injury


Abbreviation for:
rapid sequence induction 
rapid sequence intubation 
repetitive strain injury
repetitive stress injury
Rough Sleepers Initiative, see there
Rush Sexual Inventory


Abbreviation for rapid sequence intubation.


Abbrev. for repetitive strain injury, a form of OVERUSE INJURY.



See: Relative purchasing power parity

Relative Strength Index

A measure of the performance of a stock relative to its industry or the performance of an industry relative to the market as a whole. A stock (or industry) outperforming its industry (or market) for a given period of time has a relative strength index value above 1; this is seen as a bullish sign for that stock (or industry). On the other hand, a stock (or industry) underperforming its industry (or market) for a given period of time has a relative strength index value under 1; this is seen as a bearish sign.


RSIRepetitive Strain Injury
RSIRelative Strength Index
RSIRoberts Space Industries (Los Angeles, CA)
RSIRepetitive Stress Injury
RSIRehabilitation Services, Inc. (various locations)
RSIRégime Social des Indépendants
RSIRogers Sugar Inc.(Canada)
RSIRoofing/Siding/Insulation (magazine)
RSIRadio Svizzera Italiana (Italian: Italian Swiss Radio)
RSIRapid Sequence Intubation
RSIR-value (thermal resistance) Système International
RSIRegional System Integrators
RSIRs422 Serial Interface
RSIReused Source Instructions
RSIRelational Software Inc.
RSIRequests for Supplemental Information
RSIRuntime Schema Information
RSIRepetitive Strain Injuries
RSIRapid Sequence Induction
RSIRelative Strength Indicator
RSIResearch Services, Inc. (various locations)
RSIRequired Supplementary Information (financial statements)
RSIReference Safety Information
RSIRetorno Sobre Investimento (Portuguese: Return on Investment)
RSIRadiotelevisione Svizzera Di Lingua Italiana (Italian: Italian Language Radio, Switzerland)
RSIRetour sur Investissement (French: Return on Investment)
RSIRadio Singapore International
RSIResearch Science Institute
RSIRèglement Sanitaire International (French: International Health Regulations; World Health Organization)
RSIRice Space Institute (Rice University)
RSIRadarsat International
RSIRationalization, Standardization, and Interoperability (US DoD)
RSIReligious Science International (Science of Mind)
RSIResources, Science and Industry (various organizations)
RSIRacquet Sports Industry (publication; California)
RSIRemotely Sensed Imagery
RSIRadio Slovakia International
RSIRecycling Services Inc
RSIResponse-Stimulus Interval (psychology)
RSIRoadway Safety Improvement (various locations)
RSIRoller Squad Institut (French roller skating club)
RSIRetirement and Survivors Insurance (Social Security Administration)
RSIRadio Satellite Integrators, Inc.
RSIResort at Singer Island (Florida)
RSIRecherche en Soins Infirmiers (journal)
RSIRockwell Software Inc.
RSIResidual Self-Image (The Matrix)
RSIRoadside Interview (transport survey method)
RSIRouter Solutions, Inc. (various locations)
RSIRéseaux et Systèmes d'Information (French: Networks and Information Systems)
RSIReusable Surface Insulation
RSIResolution Systems Institute (Chicago, IL)
RSIResponse-Service-Innovation, Inc. (Texas)
RSIReimbursable Suitability Investigation (US OPM)
RSIRemote Site Incubator (fish hatchery)
RSIRemote Surface Inspection
RSIRequest for Supplemental Information
RSIResource Systems Institute
RSIRadiation Solutions Inc. (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)
RSIResearch Summer Institute (MIT)
RSIRoad Safety International
RSIRepubblica Sociale Italian (Italian: Fascist Italian Republic, Salò, Italy)
RSIRecovery Systems International (Charlotte, NC)
RSIRadiation Status Indicator
RSIRemote Status Indicator
RSIResources Systems Inc
RSIReplication Server Interface
RSIRadial Scientific Instrument
RSIReplacement Stream Input
RSIRajendra Singh - Institute
RSIRadar Sensitivity Improvement
RSIRecord Status Indicator
RSIReceipt, Storage, & Issue
RSIReel Start Institute
RSIRequirement Services Interface (testing methodology for use case analysis)
RSIRequest Service Initiation Message (FIPS)
RSIRick Stanley, Inc (New York, NY)
RSIRelated Standardization Interoperability
RSIReliance Surety & Insurance Company, Inc. (Manilla)
RSIRadiological Systems, Inc.
ThesaurusSeecarpal tunnel syndrome




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