radial groove

radial groove

[TA] the shallow groove that passes around the shaft of the humerus; it lies between the humeral attachments of the lateral and medial heads of the triceps brachii; the radial nerve and deep brachial artery course within the groove. Synonym(s): sulcus nervi radialis [TA], groove for radial nerve ☆ , musculospiral groove, spiral groove


(groov) A narrow channel, depression, or furrow. Synonym: sulcus

anal groove

An indented ring that is palpable just inside the anus along a circumferential line called the white line. The groove is caused by a space between the end of the internal anal sphincter (above) and the subcutaneous part of the external sphincter (below). Synonym: intersphincteric groove

atrioventricular groove

A furrow running circumferentially around the heart's surface and separating the atria from the ventricles; it is approximately perpendicular to the interventricular groove The atrioventricular groove is obscured on the anterior (front) surface of the heart by the pulmonary trunk and the aorta as they emerge from the heart. For parts of their courses, the major epicardial blood vessels run in the atrioventricular groove. Synonym: atrioventricular sulcus, coronary groove, coronary sulcus

bicipital groove

A valley on the proximal anterior surface of the humerus between the greater and lesser trochanters. The long tendon of the biceps slides along the bicipital groove. Synonym: intertubercular groove, intertubercular sulcus

branchial groove

Branchial arch.

carotid groove

A broad groove on the inner surface of the sphenoid bone lateral to its body. It lodges the carotid artery and the cavernous sinus.

coronary groove

Atrioventricular groove.

costal groove

A furrow along the lower internal border of a rib; the intercostal vessels and nerve run in this groove.

costovertebral groove

A broad groove that extends along each side of a vertebra. It lodges the sacrospinalis muscle and its subdivisions.

deltopectoral groove

A depression (palpable through the skin) at the boundary of the deltoid, pectoralis major, and biceps brachii muscles. The cephalic vein, running superficially up the arm, dives beneath the muscles through this groove to empty into the axillary vein.

Harrison's groove

See: Harrison's groove

infraorbital groove

The groove on the orbital surface of the maxilla that runs forward to become the infraorbital canal. The infraorbital nerve runs in the groove and canal to exit through the infraorbital foramen on the front of the skull just below the orbit.

interatrial groove

A shallow furrow on the posterior surface of the heart that marks the boundary between the right and left atria. It runs approximately perpendicular to the atrioventricular groove, which it meets at the same point as does the posterior interventricular groove.

intersphincteric groove

Anal groove.

intertubercular groove

Bicipital groove.

interventricular groove

A furrow on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the heart that marks the boundary between the right and left ventricles; it runs approximately perpendicular to the atrioventricular groove. The left anterior descending artery and the great cardiac vein run in the anterior interventricular groove; the posterior descending artery and the middle cardiac vein run in the posterior interventricular groove. Synonym: interventricular sulcus

labial groove

A furrow that develops in each of the embryonic jaws and that will give rise to the vestibule separating the lips from the gums.

labiomental groove

The horizontal depression between the lower lip and the chin.

lacrimal groove

A vertical groove along the upper front edge of the medial wall of the orbit. The groove, formed by matching furrows on the maxillary and lacrimal bones, holds the lacrimal sac and leads into the lacrimal canal.

laryngotracheal groove

A furrow along the inside ventral surface of the anterior portion of the embryonic gut tube; this groove will give rise to the lower part of the larynx and the trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Synonym: respiratory diverticulum

malleolar groove

The groove on the anterior surface of the distal end of the tibia that lodges tendons of the tibialis posterior and flexor digitorum longus musculi. Synonym: malleolar sulcus

meningeal groove

One of several depressions on the internal surface of the cranial bones where blood vessels follow the meningeal and osseous structures of the skull.

musculospiral groove

Radial groove.

mylohyoid groove

The groove on the inner surface of the mandible that runs obliquely forward and downward and contains the mylohyoid nerve and artery. In the embryo it lodges Meckel's cartilage.

nail groove

The indentation between the edges of the nail plate and the skin.

nasolabial groove

The furrow on either side of the face that runs down and laterally from the nostril and that marks the outer edge of the upper lip Synonym: nasolabial sulcus

nasolacrimal groove

The groove extending from the inner angle of the eye to the primitive olfactory sac in the embryo. It separates the maxillary and lateral nasal processes; its epithelial lining gives rise to the nasolacrimal duct.

nasopalatine groove

The groove on the vomer that lodges the nasopalatine nerve and vessels.

neural groove

In the embryo, a longitudinal indentation along the midline of the neural plate; it overlies the forming notocord. The neural plate rolls up around the indentation, transforming the neural groove into the neural tube.

obturator groove

The groove at the superior and posterior angle of the obturator foramen through which pass the obturator vessels and nerve.

olfactory groove

In the anterior cranial fossa, a longitudinal depression on the superior surface of the ethmoid bone on each side of the crista galli; the cribriform plate forms the floor of the olfactory groove. The olfactory bulb fits in the olfactory groove.

palatine groove

Any of several grooves on the inferior surface on the palatine process of the maxilla. They contain the palatine vessels and nerves.

patellar groove

A deep V-shaped groove on the anterior surface of the distal humeral condyle; the posterior surface of the patella slides in this groove.

peroneal groove

Grooves in the leg and ankle bones for the tendons of the peroneus longus and peroneus brevis muscles. These grooves are found on the posterior surface of the lateral malleolus (the distal end of the fibula), on the lateral surface of the calcaneus bone, and on the plantar (inferior) surface of the cuboid bone.

primitive groove

In the embryo, a shallow longitudinal midline groove in primitive streak of the blastoderm. The rostralmost end of the primitive groove becomes the primitive pit, a circular depression through which surface cells descend during gastrulation.

pterygopalatine groove

The groove on the maxillary surface of the perpendicular portion of the palatine bone that, with corresponding grooves on the maxilla and pterygoid process of the sphenoid, transmits the palatine nerve and descending palatine artery.

radial groove

Spiral groove.

rhombic groove

One of seven transverse grooves in the floor of the developing rhombencephalon of the brain. They separate the neuromeres.

sagittal groove

A single shallow longitudinal groove that runs along the superior inner surface of the cranial cavity where the left and right parietal bones meet in the midline. The superior sagittal venous sinus fits in the sagittal groove.

sigmoid groove

The groove on the inner surface of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone. It transmits the transverse sinus.


A broad, shallow groove that spirals down the posterior surface of the humerus and marks the route of the radial nerve and the deep brachial artery. Synonym: radial groove

subcostal groove

Costal groove.

tympanic groove

The groove at the bottom of the exterior auditory meatus that receives the inferior portion of the tympanic membrane.

urethral groove

In the embryo, a midline furrow between the developing genital folds. In the male, the genital folds fuse over the urethral groove, which then becomes incorporated into the distal urethra. In the female, the genital folds remain apart and become the labia minora; the open space between them is the remnant of the urethral groove.

vertebral artery groove

The groove that the vertebral artery occupies as it runs along the back of the atlas.