Acronym | Definition |
LCR➣Liquidity Coverage Ratio |
LCR➣Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire |
LCR➣Least Cost Routing |
LCR➣Log Cabin Republicans |
LCR➣Ligase Chain Reaction |
LCR➣Locus Control Region |
LCR➣Lightweight Compact Revolver (gun) |
LCR➣Left - Center - Right (mnemonic for Inductance, Capacitance & Resistance) |
LCR➣Local Continuous Replication |
LCR➣Landscape Component Repository |
LCR➣Line Control Register |
LCR➣Least Cost Call Routing |
LCR➣Lutheran Church of the Redeemer (Chimacum, WA) |
LCR➣London Car Rentals (UK) |
LCR➣Lead and Copper Rule (EPA) |
LCR➣Local Content Requirement (various locations) |
LCR➣Log Cabin Ranch (various organizations) |
LCR➣Local Court Rule (various locations) |
LCR➣Low Cost Region |
LCR➣Inductance, Capacitance, Resistance (meter) |
LCR➣La Cruces (Amtrak station code; La Cruces, NM) |
LCR➣Low Chip Rate |
LCR➣La Costa Resort (Carlsbad, CA) |
LCR➣Low Calcium Response |
LCR➣Level Crossing Rate |
LCR➣Life Cycle Review (various organizations) |
LCR➣Low Copy Repeat |
LCR➣Large Conference Room |
LCR➣Last Chance Race |
LCR➣Loughborough Campus Radio (UK) |
LCR➣Lyondell-Citgo Refining, LP |
LCR➣Landscape Characterization and Restoration (NOAA program) |
LCR➣Landing Craft Rubber |
LCR➣Lutheran Churches of the Reformation |
LCR➣Lower Common Room |
LCR➣Linux Call Router (computing) |
LCR➣Live Crown Ratio (forestry) |
LCR➣Local Call Routing (LEC) |
LCR➣Launch Control Room |
LCR➣Liquid Core Reduction (metallurgy) |
LCR➣Large Current Radiator |
LCR➣Life Cycle Replacement |
LCR➣Linear Calibration Range (US EPA) |
LCR➣Local Control Room |
LCR➣Local Call Rate |
LCR➣Light Cavalry Regiment |
LCR➣Line Concentration Ratio |
LCR➣Lean Capacity Rate |
LCR➣Lettres de Change Relevées |
LCR➣Link Cell Rate (Sprint-ATM) |
LCR➣Loss Control Representative (insurance) |
LCR➣Laboratory for Coastal Research (Florida International University) |
LCR➣Leachate Collection and Removal |
LCR➣Large Caliber Rocket |
LCR➣Large Component Removal |
LCR➣Leucocyanidin Reductase (enzyme) |
LCR➣Letter Carrier Route (Canada Post) |
LCR➣Least Covering Radius |
LCR➣Laboratoir Central de Recherché |
LCR➣Layer Cooling Rate |
LCR➣Life Christian Resources |
LCR➣Logistic Change Report |