Makarov, Aleksandr Nikolaevich

Makarov, Aleksandr Nikolaevich


Born Feb. 19 (Mar. ’3), 1912, in Moscow; died there Dec. 2, 1967. Soviet literary critic. Member of the CPSU since 1942.

Makarov graduated from the M. Gorky Institute of Literature in 1938. He conducted research on the works of A. Tvardovskii, I. Babel’, I. Kataev, Ia. Smeliakov, A. Upits, and other Soviet writers. Makarov’s works include the collections of essays The Education of Sentiments (1957), Conversation a Propos of … (1959), A Serious Life (1962), and To Those Who Follow (published in 1969) and the critical-biographical sketches Dem’ ian Bednyi (1964) and Eduardas Meželaitis (1966). Makarov’s work in literary criticism was devoted to the urgent problems of the development of Soviet literature and to its partiinost’ (party spirit) and narodnost’ (close ties with the people). He was awarded two orders and various medals.


Cheloveku o cheloveke: Izbrannye stat’i. Moscow, 1971.


Knipovich, E. “Masterstvo kritiki.” Znamia, 1958, no. 8.
Shklovskii, V. “Razgovor po povodu ….” ’ Oktiabr’ 1960, no. 7.
“A. N. Makarov” (obituary). Literaturnaia gazeta, Dec. 5, 1967.