Ohio & Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor
Ohio & Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor
520 S Main St, Suite 2541-F
Akron, OH 44311
Web: www.ohioeriecanal.org
Established: Authorized on November 12, 1996.
Location:110-mile stretch in northeastern Ohio from Cleveland through New Philadelphia (including Akron and Canton).
Special Features:This area of northeast Ohio celebrates the canal that enabled shipping between Lake Erie and the Ohio River and vaulted Ohio into commercial prominence in the early 1830s. The canal and towpath trail pass through agricultural lands and rural villages into industrial communities such as Akron, Canton, and Cleveland that trace their prosperity to the coming of the canal. Visitors can explore this 110-mile heritage greenway through three primary routes: The Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail, the CanalWay Ohio National Scenic Byway, and the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad.
See other parks in Ohio.
Ohio & Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor
Ohio & Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor
520 S Main St, Suite 2541-F
Akron, OH 44311
Web: www.ohioeriecanal.org
Established: Authorized on November 12, 1996.
Location:110-mile stretch in northeastern Ohio from Cleveland through New Philadelphia (including Akron and Canton).
Special Features:This area of northeast Ohio celebrates the canal that enabled shipping between Lake Erie and the Ohio River and vaulted Ohio into commercial prominence in the early 1830s. The canal and towpath trail pass through agricultural lands and rural villages into industrial communities such as Akron, Canton, and Cleveland that trace their prosperity to the coming of the canal. Visitors can explore this 110-mile heritage greenway through three primary routes: The Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail, the CanalWay Ohio National Scenic Byway, and the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad.
See other parks in Ohio.