Neapolitan Song
Neapolitan Song
(Italian, canzone napolitana), a genre of party and pop lyrical song widespread in Italy and other countries.
Neapolitan song is particularly melodious, harmonious, refined, and very expressive. It arose in the 18th century from the solo forms of the Neapolitan opera buffa. One of the first striking examples is the song “Te voglio ben’ assai” (I Love You Very Much) from about 1835, attributed to G. Donizetti. Among later popular songs of this genre are “Santa Lucia” (1850) by T. Cottrau, “Funiculi-funiculà” (1880) by L. Denza, “Come Back to Sorrento” (1902) by E. De Curtis, and “Lazzarella” (1957) by D. Modugno.
Famous performers of Neapolitan songs include G. Pasquariello, E. Donnarumma (early 20th century), L. Tajoli, and C. Villa.