Voivyv Kodzuv
Voivyv Kodzuv
(Northern Star), a literary, artistic, and sociopolitical magazine. Organ of the Writers’ Union of the Komi ASSR.
Voivyv kodzuv is published in Syktyvkar—from 1926 under the title Ordym (The Path), from 1931 as Udarnik (Shock Worker), and since 1946 as Voivyv kodzuv. Among the periodical’s editors have been the writers N. P. Popov (1926-30), V. A. Savin (1928), Ia. M. Rochev (1953-69), and since January of 1970, S. A. Popov. Regular sections of the magazine are Poetry, Prose, Drama, Criticism, Regional Studies, Folklore, and Publicism. An important place is occupied by translations from languages of the peoples of the USSR. Voivyv kodzuv has published such works of Komi literature as V. Iukhnin’s “Scarlet Ribbon,” Ia. Rochev’s “Two Friends,” G. Fedorov’s “When Dawn Comes,” I. Iz” iurov’s “Young Life,” and N. D’iakonov’s “Wedding With a Dowry.” The 1971 circulation of Voivyv kodzuv was 5,000.