Northern Caucasus Swine

Northern Caucasus Swine


a breed of meat and lard swine. The breed was developed in the USSR in the Northern Caucasus by crossing local Kuban’, Large White, Berkshire, and White Short-Eared swine. It was officially registered in 1955.

Northern Caucasus swine have strong constitutions. The coat is a mottled black. Boars weigh 300–350 kg, and sows 220–240 kg. The fertility is 10–11 young per farrow. Northern Caucasus swine are an early-maturing breed. Young swine fattened for meat weigh 100–120 kg by the age of six or seven months; for 1 kg of weight gain they are fed 4–4.2 feed units. The dressing percentage is 70–75 percent. The yield of meat in the carcass is 56–58 percent.

Northern Caucasus boars are used for commercial crossbreeding with sows of the Large White and other breeds. Purebred Northern Caucasus swine are raised on farms in Rostov Oblast, Krasnodar and Stavropol’ krais, and the Uzbek SSR.


Markushin, A. P., P. E. Ladan, and V.I. Gorbelik. Zhivotnovodstvo s os-novami razvedeniia sel’skokhoziaistvennykh zhivotnykh, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1972.
Svinovodstvo. Edited by G. N. Dobrokhotov. Moscow, 1974.