Life of Alexander Nevsky
Life of Alexander Nevsky
a classic of old Russian literature written in the late 13th or early 14th century. It portrays Alexander Nevsky as a ruler and military leader, defending the northern borders of Rus’ against the attacks of the Swedes and crushing the army of the German knights at Chudskoe Lake (1242), and as a diplomat, journeying to Khan Batu to protect the Suzdal’ principality from the raids of the Tatars. The Life of Alexander Nevsky is permeated with patriotic feeling and attains a great degree of artistic expressiveness in its description of the brave deeds of the prince and his warriors.
Mansikka, V. Zhitie Aleksandra Nevskogo: Razbor redaktsii i tekst. [St. Petersburg] 1913.Likhachev, D. S.”Galitskaia literaturnaia traditsiia v zhitii Alek-sandra Nevskogo.” Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury, 1947, vol. 5.