Barlaam of Calabria

Barlaam of Calabria


(1290-1348). Byzantine philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician.

Barlaam’s rationalistic leanings and his fight against hesychasm led to his condemnation at an ecclesiastic council in Constantinople in 1341. After that he went to Italy, converted to Catholicism, and became bishop in the Kingdom of Naples. He was a great expert on ancient (classical) philosophy; his works include The Ethics of the Stoics and Logic. He was a teacher of Petrarch and Boccaccio.


In Patrologia Graeca …, edited by J.-P. Migne, vol. 151. Paris, 1857-66.


Uspenskii, F. I. Ocherki po istorii vizantiiskoi obrazovannosti. St.Petersburg, 1891.
Losev, A. F. Ocherki antichnogo simvolizma i mifologii, vol. 1. Moscow, 1930. Pages 849-56.