释义 |
leuko-(word root) whiteExamples of words with the root leuko-: leukocyteleuko- or leuk- also leuco- or leuc-pref.1. White; colorless: leukoderma.2. Leukocyte: leukopenia. [Greek, from leukos, clear, white; see leuk- in Indo-European roots.]leuko- combining form (Colours) a variant of leuco- leuko- a combining form with the meanings “white,” “white blood cell”: leukopoiesis; leukotomy. Also, leuco- ;esp. before a vowel, leuk-. [< Greek, comb. form of leukós white, bright] leuko-
leuko- , leuk- (lū'kō, lūk), White; white blood cells. For some words beginning thus, see leuc- and leuco-. [G. leukos, white] leuko- , leuk-Combining forms meaning white; white blood cells. For some words beginning this way, see leuc- and leuco-. [G. leukos, white]leuko- Combining form meaning white; white blood cells. [G. leukos, white]LEUKO-
Acronym | Definition |
LEUKO-➣White, Colorless (Prefix) |