释义 |
isochronia i·so·chro·ni·a (ī'sō-krō'nē-ă), 1. The state of having the same chronaxie. 2. Agreement, with respect to time, rate, or frequency, between processes. [iso- + G. chronos, time] i·so·chro·ni·a (ī'sō-krō'nē-ă) 1. The state of having the same chronaxie. 2. Agreement, with respect to time, rate, or frequency, between processes. [iso- + G. chronos, time]isochronia (ī″sō-krō′nē-ă) [Gr. isos, equal, + chronos, time] 1. The correspondence of events with respect to time.2. Occurring at the same time, rate, or frequency. |