Cherbuliez, Antoine-Elisée

Cherbuliez, Antoine-Elisée


Born July 29, 1797, in Geneva; died Mar. 7,1869, in Zürich. Swiss economist and judge.

Cherbuliez’s ideas reflect the process of the replacement of the classical school of bourgeois political economy by the vulgar school. K. Marx called Cherbuliez’s views an amazing combination of the mutually exclusive views of Sismondi and Ricardo (see K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 26, part 3, p. 395). Cherbuliez’s demand that the state abolish private ownership of land and collect rent as a substitute for taxes was described by Marx as “an open expression of the hatred of the industrialist capitalist for the landowner, whom he regards as useless and superfluous in bourgeois production” (ibid., vol. 4, p. 174).